Jap doramas,Jap food,Bulgogi,HANGEUL,any kind of tea,Sarah Jessica Parker perfume,Yasai Tempura,Bon Odori Festival,Encik Bulat-ku,Mint,Grass,Sunshine,Green,White,Rain and last...I want,I need and I will travel to JAPAN someday!!!
Currently listening to Shiina Ringo,L'Arc En Ciel,Tokyo Jihen,S.M.A.P(hehe....)The Cardigans,Bic Runga,Pure Saturday,Homogenic Band,Judy and Mary,and a bit of this and that...and erm 'Hujan'..u guys're in my most recent list.
Entourage, The Black Dahlia,Pride,Queen of The Lunchtime,Virgin Suicide,Hana Yoridango.
Iron Chef,The Naked Chef,Guess..Guess..Guess(cc n jon's fave show)
anything from Haruki Murakami and Roald Dahl and The Harmony Silk Factory by Tash Aw
Satonaka Halu