Shopping,i like to wear pinks and purples i guess u would call me a girly girl.being with family,friends and my children. I like going to the movies or just staying home and laying on the couch under a blanket and renting movies.i am usually happy and i am happiest when i am with my children, friends, and family. Cheaters and lairs make me sad.
Someone Amazing!!!!!
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I listen to all kinds of music really but i listen to hip hop and country more.
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I watch all kinds of movies from chic flicks the most i love romantic movies, but i will watch movies the guys like because i like to sit next to them and squeeze their arm when it is a really bad scene..
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I like shows like one tree hill, Laguna Beach, That 70'sShow,CSI Shows,7th Heaven,game shows such as Amazing Race,Dancing W/the Stars,American Idol,etc.
Don't really like reading!!!!
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My mom is just one of my heroes....I admire her for everything she has been through in her life and now she is on her feet and is doing better than she has ever been since she has had us kids.......My uncle Jeff and our troops are another heroe i have and I look up to and give him and all of our troops over seas credit for leaving their loved ones back home to fight in Iraq I don't think I could have left my kids but seeing my uncle and our troops do it all it was pretty amazing.....I Love You mom and Uncle Jeff and proud of all the troops that were and still are over seas!!!!