hmmm... well,im a simple gurl..that do simple things...hehehe..my friends says i have a sense of humor!! hhehehe..maybe..hehehe..others said that im one of da jerks!!hell yeah!!!im not...hehehehe...seriously speaking..well,im kind to pepole who are also kind to me!! and one thing that i hate most...i dnt like plastic person..and those wanna be's...hehehe.. too busy studying,.,no tym for frends.thats y i miss them. Am eAsiLy aMuSeD. i Am fAsCiNatEd bY rAdiCal iDeAs AboUt tHe uNiVeRsE. i liKe l0nG c0nVeRsAtIoNs aBoUt nOtHiNg. i faLL iN loVe t0o eAsY.. ReLaTi0nShIpS c0nFuSe mE bUt iNtRiGuE mE aLL aT ThE SaMe TiMe.. i hAtE taLkInG aBoUt mY Life... I hATe pe0pLe wHo ComPlaiN a Lot.. I HaTe ThE FeeLin oF MisSin SomEonE.. i MisS a LottA pEoPle.. I wiLL HaTe yOu iF i hAvE a GoOd ReaSon To.. iF yOu GeT oN mY bAd Side..i WiLL MaKe iT a LiviNg HeLL..ThiS iS mE..ThAt's aLL TheRe iS t0 iT..iF yOu Don'T LikE iT..suCks 4 u