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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Your signature hairstyle is Sassy and Stylish
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You're a Bernese Mountain Dog!
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You're a Bernese Mountain Dog!
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grew ol ovah da P.I. from da mountainous regions to the never ending stretches of oriental beaches, beautiful sunrise and sunsets, hospitable Filipinos and rich cultured regions. ahm a professional traveller, full-pledged bum, currently "drifting." maintaining my cyber-existence. over-exhaspirates on wutever my mind may find interesting.. starving, any1 got food? hehe ahm a certified party bhoy but took on da low-low fo da moment, a moment of zen, intimacy and self-realization, self-inclusion if u may call it. lives a sporadic existence, where anything, and i mean anything may happen in d next second so u better know where ul b da day after 2moro!!... or so it sounded lyk dat. at first glance, ahm dead gorgeous baby!!! (alter ego is workin its thang) haha, but den ah give off diz luk dat ah dont give a fuck... ah juz dont. ahv lived through lyf havin diz philosophy of not bein born 2 pleeez anyone of yall lame azzezz coz ah wusnt created 2 do dat.. but itz kinda selfish and yeah, ahm open for suggestions.. but ahm juz playin. ahm rili nice. rili. hehe, currently, ahm hea at Davao, d land of d shtinkin fruit known as DURIAN and bein complemented 2 b able to neutralize, nei, disembowel an assailant. juz throw it lyk a football and make sure it hits d bastard. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

christina millan, lindsay lohan, cristina garcia, bianca araneta, cindy kurleto, Gandhi, Khan, Tzu, Bush, Saddam, Bin Laden, d whole Al Queda, abu sayaf... ond lighter side, Fil-ams from Cali speshly SAn DiEgo, underground racers, hotties, businessmen, flatlanders, skateboarders, tattoo artists, rockstars, rappers, surfdudes, skimdudes, models and u! yes, u!

My Blog


itz 4:30 am here and ahm stoked due to a long adym trip from CDO to DVO... mah eyes r heavy n daym ah dont feel sleepy. so anyhow, ahm into a nu environment hea, nu lyf, no thang, nu do and tz ah frea...
Posted by on Mon, 17 May 2004 13:23:00 GMT