Storytelling! Snarking! Talking smack! Snow 'n stuff, being with friends, video games, building really cool houses, concocting wild stories about most things, nature is my Mister, being witty, being stupid, polling the populace about whether they like raisins, laughing a lot.....oh, and being of service to the environment or humanity.
Dolly Parton, Bob Newhart, William Shakespeare, Glenn Close, Alexander Calder, Zach Braff, Abraham Lincoln, Billy Bragg, Ari Zucker, Rob Riggle and Samantha B., Glen Murcutt, Cate Blanchett, Joe Mascolo, Tom Waits, Neil Young, Craig Kelly, Helen Mirren, Dame Judy Dench, Han Solo and The love of my life.
Modest Mouse, Jason Anderson, LCD Soundsystem, Ted Leo, Various Operas, Jaymay, Pablo Trucker!
The X-Files. David Duchovny is dreamy.
Days of Our Lives (and proud of it!),BBC America, The Daily Show
Rebel Without a Crew, The 5 C's of Cinematography, Natural Capitalism, Poetry of William Wordsworth, e.e. cummings, and the International Residential Building Code 2006.
my grandpa Rudin, Queen Latifah, Jimmy Carter, Dolly Parton, Al Gore, James Scott, my friends, my boss.