Click Here to get more at CommentYou.comREAL TALK: I am just a regular girl from Texas who loves THE COWBOYS and likes to drink and have fun with the Family! My house is the PARTY spot I love to have people over so we do something almost every weekend! You can count on me to have people over so bring some beer next time you stop by!! Me and my sis Jess are always drinking and talking shit!!I have been married for almost 6 crazy years! We have had our ups and downs but what relationship doesn't? I know deep down inside we were made for each other if only we could contorl our tempers LOL. I love knowing that I always have someone in my corner no matter what! I love the fact that my husband spoils me and loves to give me the finer things in life! Bottom line he LOVES me..I have a 12 year old daughter whomeans the world to me...Although she has a bad attitude LOL she makes me smile all the time. I love that even though she tries to be a bad ass she is still a little girl at heart. ome of the sweet stuff she says to me really makes my day. I love this kid like a fat kid loves cake !!!href=" vbS9saW5rL2xpbmtfdGhyb3VnaC81MGtsLTEwMQ==" title="Click to customize this Kimi-Image with your own Messages and Photos on!" target="_top">
imikimi - sharing creativityI am all about my 4 brothers and their kids I am a damn good auntie and love my neices and nephews. My baby girls are my world and damn I love my Phat Phat and Jaxon. I have a special place in my heart for each of them they mean the world to me!
imikimi - Customize Your World
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