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Bip Bipadotta

I am here for Friends

About Me

(1) 2 of my favorite people refer to me as being "Moxie" soda. (2) I'm an instigator. (3) I hate liars and being lied to. (4) Sometimes I'm too honest. (5) I don't like confrontations, but will confront when necessary. (6) I will only drink water that's flavored. (7) Repetition annoys the FUCK out of me. (8) I'm the farthest thing from a realist. (9) Blonde moments come natural to me, yet I'm not a blonde. (10) I'm constantly being asked to "read cards". (11) I write stories but will never let people read them. (12) When I eat I can't sit still. (13) I think I have ADHD. (14) I ask stupid questions even though I know the answer. (15) I can't stand making grammatical errors. (And I'm sure I'll make many. Damn me!) (16) I like kids, but doubt highly I'll have my own. (17) Relationships scare me, but not as much now. (18) Getting old scares me more. (19) Snot and saliva make me gag uncontrollably to the point of almost being physically sick. (20) I think guys that spit out the window while driving are gross. Spitting in general is gag worthy!! (21) I refuse to ingest anything that is diet. (22) I have a severe addiction to caffeine. (23) I think sleeping is a huge waste of time. There are so many things I could be doing. Once I'm there though, it's all good. (24) I can't work in silence. (25) I love saying things that people don't expect me to say. (26) Working with men is SO much easier. (27) Marriage is overrated. (28) I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of what I can't see. (29) Old people who drive need to stop immediately. (30) Armpit is a horrible word. "Beside the boob" is much better. Thank you Tracy A. (31) I've been told I'm in Picky Denial. (32) I'm only shy when I have a crush on someone or when I have to speak in front of strangers. (33) I can get people to tell me anything. (34) I love smoking cigarettes way too much to quit right now. (35) One of the best smells is "clean". (36) Sex is fun. (37) I love driving. Especially in the snow! (38) I'd rather see a human suffer than an animal. (39) My friends mean the world to me. (40) Country music is like vigorously scraping a fork on a glass plate. (41) Sarcasm is the best form of wit EVER. (42) Overly religious people need a slap. (43) People watching is my all time favorite thing to do. (44) Some of my favorite alcoholic beverages are Alabama Slamma's or a Malibu Baybreeze or even a Pitu! YUM! (45) My body still hasn't realized I'm not going through puberty anymore. (46) "Plethora" and "Flummoxed" are such a great words. "Imperative" is another. (Look them up if you don't know what they mean!! DER!) (47) I sing great in my car. (48) If I'm bored with the conversation I'll immediately change the subject to some obscure topic. (49) Bitching sucks, but Bitches are awesome. (50) Ghosts intrigue me yet scare the hell out of me. (51) Laughing until movement is impossible is the best feeling. (52) People who try too hard annoy me to no end. (53) My parents are still together after 40 yrs. (54) I love the sun. (55) I love the beach more. I wish they were portable. (56) My dreams are always prophetic. (57) I swim in puddles and sometimes I even drown. (58) I think bodily functions are funny. I will giggle every time. (59) Feet are ugly and smelly! (60) If I can get away with it then I'll probably do it. (61) Shopping shopping shopping is the best form of stress release. (62) Making up words is hilarious. (63) One of the best reliefs is itching an itch. Or stretching. It's a toss up. (64) 5 o'clock is the best time Monday thru Friday. (65) The smell of raw onions (B.O.), Parmesan cheese (sour feet), Romano cheese (puke), and that HORRIBLE microwave cheese popcorn (b.o & sour feet rolled together in one big puke ball) are the ultimate worst possible smells imaginable. I don't understand how people can still eat that shit. (Sorry Roommie!) (66) I never pay attention. I'm always busy doing something else. (67) Jealousy is such a waste of an emotion. Next to that is Paranoia. (68) I don't believe in antidepressants, however, illegal mind altering drugs can be interesting. (69) I think pot should be legal. I prefer smoking pot over drinking. Ban the latter and call it a day. (70) Lust at first sight really does exist, but what about unconditional love? (71) Dating is so draining. (72) Pauly Shore rocks! (73) I have a list of "would be friends" if I was famous. (74) I am the Queen of ignoring people. Some say I'm a snob. I call it a form of "shyness". (75) I believe at some point everyone will be talking in Acronyms. Words will no longer be needed in the English language. (76) Cell phones piss me off. Especially when people almost kill me while they're driving. Pay attention Dummy! (77) Kids should play outside more and parents need to chill the fuck out. (78) I wish time travel was possible. (79) I eat all the time and never gain weight. (80) I can physically move a vein in my left hand. (81) I never understood why famous people never date "regular" people. (82) I never tolerate arrogance. (83) I will always get the last word in. Unless you're my sister. (84) Busting balls is a trip. (85) The Superman ride at 6 Flags New England is the best adrenaline rush. (86) Drama is always a hassle. (87) I refuse to acknowledge Mariah Carey as being a Diva. (88) I believe I have a slight case of Turrets. I burst into song when it's too quiet. (89) I don't like being told "no" or what to do. (90) This may be hard to believe to some, but I do know what I'm doing when I'm doing it. (91) I'm hardly ever politically correct. (92) Most men should NEVER have their shirts off. Especially when there are no bodies of water around. TCH! (Thank you Sue B!) (93) I constantly think even though I think it's entirely overrated. (94) I usually say what people are afraid to. (95) Certain smells and songs bring back nostalgic memories of "that" time. (96) Sometimes I miss being young. (97) There are many individuals should never talk. Shhhhhh...they ruin it for me everytime. (98) I still enjoy playing Hide 'n Seek at night. (99) Thunder and lightening storms rule. (100) Someday I'm going to get a drum set. (101) Cameras and I don't get along so well. (102) Writing is a far better way of communicating. It always comes out wrong when it's verbal. (103) "moist" and "horny" are 2 words that absolutely repulse me. (104) Butterball shots are delicious! (105) Why is it when I'm in a hurry, everyone else decides to put their life on pause?? (106) I think office "buzz phrases" make people sound so unbelievably stupid. If someone tells me they're going "touch base" with me one more time, I'm going to kick their teeth in. (107) Why do people insist on talking religion and politics with me when I clearly don't believe in either one? (108) Oh and there IS such thing as "MANscaping". Yah, try it sometime. Overly hairy men skeeve me out. (109) PDA (Public Display of Affection)...Seriously, I don't think any of us really want to be subjected to that type of cruel and torturous behavior. Get a room! (110) I love the phrase "come unglued", but I never remember to say it. (111) Something good comes out of something bad and everything happens for a reason. Stop questioning it. (112) I never sit and eat a whole meal. I get bored. I also can't eat in front of alot of people or when everyone is finished but me. (113) I refuse to talk to anyone who puts me on speaker phone. I'll speak really soft until they pick up. It TOTALLY works every time. (114) I think "Muffin Tops" should NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, wear 1/2 shirts or shirts that are too small. (115) I've come to the conclusion that I will always and forever be the D.D. (I don't mind. I love my friends) (116) Being in a relationship or married is like being a single parent. It really is! (117) I never consider myself part of the "general public" population. I'm too smart for that. I wish more people had that "common sense" gene. (118) Mullets, tails, and camel toe! 3 of the best 80's traits ever. (119) I think "outties" are ugly and should never be pierced. (120) Cadbury Creme eggs are my favorites (121) I don't like to sweat. (122) Please spare me from the "I Love You's" when you're not even old enough to vote! You don't know what love is, you probably won't know what love is until you're at LEAST old enough to leave mommy and daddy, so stop going on about it already! It's annoying! (123) If you took the time to read this then you may have learnt something, if not, refer to #117. Good luck with that. Myspace Backgrounds
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My Blog

What Happens Next?

It's so hard to wrap your brain around something that is so right, but so wrong at the same time and yet have the same exact feelings for one another when everything is said and done.  Is that what th...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 06:03:00 GMT

It’s interesting how the General Public operates

I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.  I’m finding myself utterly speechless at the lack of tact people have when it comes to other people’s drama AND how they relish in their sor...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 21:51:00 GMT

More words to hate

Horny - Horny is SUCH a disgusting term for being aroused. How anyone can find this word remotely seductive is beyond me. Blech!! Uber - HORRIBLE!! Just where did this word come from? People hav...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 07:57:00 GMT

Blah blah blah

I've come to a epiphony if you will.  I'm in dyer need of a vacation.  A long one.  One that I don't have to return here.  EVER.  I would like to go...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 07:47:00 GMT

I have a question...WHY?!

Inconsiderate cunt-struction (construction) workers are the BEST.  We love them!  Especially the ones driving the "diggers" and DON'T pull over so the rest of the world can continue on with ...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:39:00 GMT

Question and Answer of the Day

Oh I was just wondering who is the person the Earth actually revolves around?  I'm curious because there are certain individuals, who will be nameless (Starts with a C and ends with an ...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 03:46:00 GMT

I don't think Friday the 13th is such a bad day

I want to know why everyone seems to get all jived up about Friday the 13th and who was the person who came up with it?  Other than Jason coming over to kill you that is.  I found ...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:59:00 GMT

Way overused

For my very first blog, I'm going to express my absolute dislike for overused buzz words and phrases.   I don't know who came up with such an annoying list of exploited words, but they shoul...
Posted by on Thu, 18 May 2006 10:51:00 GMT