My name is Melissa but everyone calls me Missy. I am a hard working single women in Salt Lake City. My occupation is a server/waitress. I'm not in Salt Lake Community College yet but will be soon. I was born in Bountiful, Utah on September 29, 1983. I have 2 older sisters and 3 older brothers. Yes, I am the baby in my family. I also have 2 younger step brothers and 1 younger step sister. My parents split when I was 12 years old. Dad remarried when I was 16 years old. My step Mom kicks ass. Family means a lot to me. My family has its shares of drama, ups and downs, but I love my family so much. My dad is a kick ass Sicilian Paralegal. My Mommy is a true loving and striving mother. I lived in Davis County, Weber County, and now for 5 years Salt Lake County. I love SLC. My ancestors are from Sicily, Ireland, and Germany. My dream is to go visit where my roots came from. One day my passion is to be in the music business, archaeologist or a astronomer. In this life or the next! If those don't work I am going to be a Paralegal like my Daddy. I love all sorts of movies and music. Music is my true passion in life. I grew up surrounded by music. Phantom of the Opera is the masterpiece of music ever. My favorite tunes are Metal and Rock. I love going out to movies, clubs, parties, and just hanging out with great people. I love going out-doors, camping, hiking, and skiing. I want to live up in the mountains one day and see all the stars. You can see I love blue and green with my myspace page. Blue(Sapphire) is my birth stone and favorite color. I love Stirling Silver jewelry. Well, I don't know what else to tell you but Salt Lake City Utah kicks ass. Never dwell on the past and look towards the future. You never know what the future has in stored for us all. Always hold on to hope!Snoogins!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
The Phantom of the Opera!!! Al Capone, Dimebag Darrel, Black Label Society, Metallica, Alice in Chains, Rachel Weiz, Johnny Depp, etc...