Hi! My name is Kate and I don't have much to say about myself. I am a Biology Major at the University of Mary Washington with plans to become a...well I have not quite figured that out yet. I can't say that college is what you plan on it being, but it def. has been getting better each and every day. I have a great family and friends that love me. I love my twin brother, John, even though some times he can be very scary, and my older sister, Ginger <--she's awesome!. Ging and I go to school together, and I wouldn't want it any other way. They are so much fun to be around! My friends are the BEST I could ask for and they put up with alot from me! I guess I probably put up with alot from them to, but they are def. worth it! Some times I wonder if I make the right decisions on things but it just seems like a never ending circle so its not worth worrying about to much. I thought my life was perfect, but I quickly realized I am missing so much. Hopefully I can figure out things with out going crazy. I love life, and I love the roller coaster ride that it takes us on.
Now for the fun stuff...
I love...being a Rawls (my family is so great and funny..never a dull moment! drop it like its HOT!!..orange, onion, ball..whatever is available boobs)... hanging out with my girls...and the boys occasionally...SoCo and 7up served up in a nice 32oz cup from the local gas station...beer pong and other friendly party games...playing snood, bejeweled, scrabulous or any other crazy computer game i can find...Wii boxing and bowling is a great daily workout... rainy days when all you have to do is stay home and watch a good movie...living the country life out in my open field...picking home grown veggies and watermelons in the summer...applying chapstick more frequently than i should...My Little Pony fruit snacks (a great treat for only 80 calories)... finding new friends and new adventures to be a part of...being a fish down at the beach or even catching fish in some crazy lake around here....soaking up as many sunrays as i can...and most of all..i just love being me! <3
The not so fun stuff...
I dislike (hate is such a strong word)...liars ...cheaters and haters...spiders (eww)... people who live their lives to ruin everyone elses...rainy days when you HAVE to go out and do things...english courses here at college... my depleting bank account balance... boys who think they are the shit...girls who believe they are gods gift to earth and men...when people allow drugs to control their life and their relationships with other people...but most of all I HATE it when people can't find just a small reason to laugh!