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-ThE NaMe is KaTe
- 16 YeArS yOuNg.
-GiVe Me PrEsEnTs On NoV.17 .
-CuRrEnTlY tAkEn
- MiKe[My BaBe]--------[♥]tHe NiCeSt, LoVinG -n- tHe MoSt UnDeRsTaNdIng BoYfRiEnD aNyOnE CuD eVeR aSk fOr![♥]
- MaRiE,JeRwIn,HaNnA,-n- JoY[tHe BeSt FrIeNdS]--------[♥]i WouLdNt wAnT tO lOsE tHeM.ThEy'Re a BiG pArT of mY LiFe.WiThOuT tHeM iM iNcOmpLetE.[♥]
-FrIeNdS + FaMiLy= LiFe.
-HaLf HaWaIIaN + HaLf FiLiPiNo = ME
- PiNk -n- GrAy R mI coLoRs.
-iM MOSTLY iN cHiCagO oVeR tHe WeEkEnDs To cHiLL wItH tHe CuZiNs.
-I hAvE 1 oLdEr bRo -n- 1 TwIn SiS.
-ShOpPiNg.SiNg.DaNce.CoMpUtEr.ChiLL wItH fRiEnDs.TaLkIn oN tHe pHoNe oR iN pErSoN-----♥♥♥
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