G's Up! profile picture

G's Up!


About Me

PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Hello world! My name is Gary Lee Middlebrooks, some people call me g, g-middle or just gary. I like the simple things as well as the better things in life. I am a very positive person dont like focusing on negatives in life. I am fun-loving, romantic, passionate, loyal and trustworhty person. Ima cool cat, yeah its cliche but its the truth. I enjoy hanging with my niggas and my girlies...you know who you are! And the typical things people my age do. Shout out sandy&pierre...Love yal

My Interests

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I'd like to meet:

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Dont kno!


Nip tuck, NG, A&E, whatever good on


I do enough readin for school


My parents...(Sandy&Pierre)& and myself