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-- Can be mean.
-- EXTREMELY sexy.
-- Intelligent.
-- Energetic.
-- Predict future.
-- Most erotic.
-- Freak in bed.
-- GREAT kisser.
-- Always get what they want.
-- Attractive.
-- Easy going.
-- Loves being in long relationships.
-- Talkative.
-- Romantic.
-- Caring.
-- Artistic
-- GREAT friend
-- NICE!
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R.I.P Jahan Dckinson "You will be missed!" I love neo-soul music -Lyfe Jennings -Jill Scott -Musiq Soulchild -Van Hunt -Heather Headly -Kindred Family Soul -Floetry -Indie Arie -Robin Thicke -John Legend -Corrine Bailey -Kanye West -NAS Just about anything R&B
My favorite movies of course is Dirty Dancing, Love and Basketball, Love Jones, Coming To AmericaFavorite Qoute: "Love Doesn't Make The World Go Round, Love Is What Makes The Ride Worh While"
Truthfully I can't go a day without my soaps, especially Passions and General Hostipal. The funniest cartoon on t.v right now gots to be the Boondocks, those little kids is crazy and straight up hood. Will and Grace kills me, Karan is funny as hell.
My Heros are my mother, my big sis, and my granny. My mother is one the strongest, most intelligent, independent woman I ever known and I love her for it. My big sis taught me to be myself and forget what the others think, that's real love CC. And last but not least my grandmother that reminds me every day never take for granted the simple things, live life in the moment, the day, and the hour. I give all respect to these women in my life that have taught to be a strong woman!