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One day I will forget your name, one sweet day u will drown in my lost pain...

About Me

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.comIn my life I have been called many things: sister, lover, priestess, wise-woman, queen. And so Arthur lay at last with his head in my lap, seeing in me neither sister nor lover nor foe, but only wise-woman, priestess, Lady of the Lake...And...as I guided the barge...to the true Holy Isle in the dark world behind our own, that Island of Avalon where, now, few but I could go, he repented the enmity that had come between us.Let's see, where to even begin.... I'm an outgoing, active, partying friek. Very loyal to friends, they r my rock when I falter. The only person I hold higher is my Husband whom I'm very lucky to have been found by. Into fantasy, LARP's, SCA, Pennsic, middle ages, D&D, these r like my 6 basic food groups. I firespin, learned with my great friend Jen, belly dance, draw, avid reader, n every once in awhile slip into my own little world of magick n mayhem. I am a pagan n proud to be, practicing, solitary Norse/Celtic. My 3 greatest loves (other then my husband and daughter) Drow, Unicorns, n Angels.
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You reflect the wisdom of the spirit. You shine as
a wise and anicent sage who values intellect
among the most. Your spirit brings guidence to
those around you. You have accomplished your
strength with age and time. Don't let your wise
advice go to waste. Share it with all who are
willing to listen. Please rate high
Reflections of the Spirit?
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You're Most Like The Season Winter ...You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people
off. You're complex, and get hurt easily - so
you rarely let people in if you can help it.
You can be somewhat of a loner, but just as
easily you could be the leader of many. You
Tend to be negative, and hard to relate to,
but you give off a relaxed image despite
being insecure - and secretly many people
long to be like you, not knowing how deep the
Winter season really is.Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ??
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You scored as Fallen Angel. You my friend are a Fallen Angel!You were amongst the closest to God, yet love led you down a path of self-destruction. You find yourself crying a lot, because of the pains of this world. Yes it is very crewl, yet you know there isn't a thing you can do about it. Follow your heart and you will find some of your former happiness.

Fallen Angel


You are a Vampiric Elf!


Black Witch




You are a Demon

What creature of the night are you you most like? (Pics!!)
created with QuizFarm.com You're Lady Morgaine. Like Igraine and Mordred, you've got a passionate, strong willed
spirit. You like your space and solitude very much, I take it, and would prefer a small
get together with loved ones rather than a huge holiday bash. You are dedicated,
powerful, and emotional, but if something goes awry, don't dwell on it. Life goes on. ^_^
Which Mists of Avalon Character are YOU?
by .
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My Interests

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Buried at PhotoCasket.comRAVEN N HER LOYAL UNDEAD. ;)

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

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Raeven Witch. you are the raeven witch. mysterious
and peaceful, you are a calm witch who
devotes herself to worshiping the moon in all
its fases. your song is "imaginary"
by Evanescence

What witch are you? (gorgeous pics - 7 different results)
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You'll become a Fire Spirit. You have got a lot of
temerament and want to do a lot of things at
the same time. You are very social and love
people around you. Sometimes you are a bit
short tempered because your always busy with
someting but people know you exactly because
you are very open to them. They like that and
know what they can expect from you, they are
respecting you. Sometimes you can scare people
off when you don't like them but the persons
who know you see that you are extremely loving
and caring for your belovings.

What kind of spirit will you become? ( With great pic's)
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You scored as Night Queen. Night Queen

Night Queen


The Witch of the Moon


Autumn Queen




Spring Fae


Snow Queen




Winter Queen.




Lady of the Lake


Summer Fae


Gypsy Rose


Good Luck Fairy

13 Witches
created with QuizFarm.com What kind of witch are you? Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
You are a temptress
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You are a Dark Witch! You are more powerful than witches of the Four Material Elements, and everyone knows it. Your powers stem from darkness and the night. Many have shunned you, and called you evil, even though you may not be. Most of the time, you try not to pick sides, only maintain the balance of nature. You love people, but refuse to show it, afraid that people will use it as a weapon against you, even if you could kill them with a thought. But you wouldn't do something like that....would you?Common Powers: Telekinesis- the ability to move objects with ones mindAstral Projection- the ability to project a copy of one's soul to another location, retaining all the sensesTelepathy- the ability to read thoughts, and plant themNight Vision-the ability to see in pitch blackness perfectly.Dark Weaving- the ability to conjure and control shadow creatures, objects, and spells that nothing can destroy or kill but the user.
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You're like a Dragon!
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be sorted @ nimbo.net
You Were a Swan
You are a spiritual soul who sees into the future.
You are also good at interpreting dreams - those of yourself and others. What Animal Were You In a Past Life? Aries

You are so full of energy, you constantly attract hotties, and you are always the dominant one in the sack. It is very easy for you approach people because you have so much confidence and you are very forward about your feelings. You are very likely to have lots of sexual partners, (sometimes all at once), and be the most sexually experienced of any of your friends. Sex matches: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

I'd like to meet:

Drizzt, Jarlaxle, Harrison Ford, Stephen King, Morgan Le Fay, Madonna, Angelina Jolee, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Valkyrie, Freya, Elves, and Unicorns, and maybe a Dragon
Your soul is bound to the Third Totem,
Grandfather Thunder: The Raven
.Grandfather Thunder appears as a flock of
ultramarine ravens. He embodies reverence,
leadership, honor, and inspiration
. He is
associated with the color ultramarine, the
season of winter, and the element of water.
His downfall is egocentrism.You are most compatible with Wolves and Owls.

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
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You are the Dark Mother. Beautiful, dark,
protecting, you are the grace of the night. You
keep safe the newly turned and guide them
through their first dark days.

What Fictional Vampire Archtype are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Devil card. The Devil is based on the figure Pan, Lord of the Dance. The earthy physicality of the devil breeds lust. The devil's call to return to primal instincts often creates conflict in a society in which many of these instincts must be kept under control. Challenges posed by our physical bodies can be overcome by strength in the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Pan is also a symbol of enjoyment and rules our material creativity. The devil knows physical pleasure and how to manipulate the physical world. Material creativity finds its output in such things as dance, pottery, gardening, and sex. The self-actualized person is able to accept the sensuality and usefulness of the devil's gifts while remaining in control of any darker urges. Image from The Stone Tarot deck. http://hometown.aol.com/newtarotdeck/
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Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com


Industrial, metal, rock, goth, trance, techno, classical, new age, classic rock, 80's rock n dance...


Magic Missile

Larp is a laugh.

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

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R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt series, War of the Spider Queen series, Mysts of Avalon, anything by Stephen King, trashy romance, Ray Bradbury, Mickey Zucker Reichert Renshai series...

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!


Morgan Le Fay, Drizzt Do'Urden, Jarlaxle Baenre, my husband Jeff who saved me from an evil overlord, and my daughter Rhiana who showed me anything is possible.

My Blog

I forgot to mention...

Within these past couple of weeks I went on a hospital tour of the maternity ward for both Manchester, where I will be going, n Backus, where I was having my birthing classes. The birthing classes wer...
Posted by Raven on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 03:09:00 PST


So I know I ranted the other day about Jeff n his insensitivity, BTW he was still going to go until I burst into tears. Stupid pregnancy hormones cuz I didn't want him to think I did it just to get my...
Posted by Raven on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:26:00 PST

The lethal dangers of slpenda n aspertame

THE LETHAL SCIENCE OF SPLENDA,A POISONOUS CHLOROCARBONBy James Bowen, M.D. Posted: 08 May 2005 James Bowen, M.D., A physician, biochemist, and survivor of aspartame poisoning warns about yet anothe...
Posted by Raven on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:35:00 PST

Latest OBGYN visit..

So I topped off at 139 for my weight officially. A bit more then I wanted to gain but only by about 2 or 3 pounds so it's no big deal. N I have remained steady there for the most part, even tho I have...
Posted by Raven on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 01:17:00 PST

CT news

Well I heard they r trying to get rid of the car taxes again. I really hope it goes thru this time. I have always thought to tax a car as property is complete n utter bullshit. On top of that I learne...
Posted by Raven on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 01:29:00 PST

wake up wal-mart

..> Dear Samantha, We just got word. A federal court just ruled that Wal-Mart must face a class-action lawsuit affecting more than 2 million current and former female Wal-Mart employees who say W...
Posted by Raven on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 08:57:00 PST

Victory in New York!!

..> ..> ..> Victory in New York!Pro-Marriage Equality State Senate candidate wins special election.   ..>       In today's February 6th Special Election ...
Posted by Raven on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 08:00:00 PST

NARAL-Mora debate on abortion has it's limits

Moral debate on abortion has its limits By JAY BOOKMANThe Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionPublished on: 02/08/07 They call it "The Women's Right to Know Act," but like so much of House Bill 147, the tit...
Posted by Raven on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 02:39:00 PST

Please sign the petition...NARAL

Bush Budget: A Tale of Disappointments and Missed Opportunities Originally posted on www.rhrealitycheck.org, 02/07/2007 By Donna Crane, Government Relations Director, NARAL Pro-Choice America Didn't...
Posted by Raven on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 09:13:00 PST

Update on that electrician...

Ya, so I wanted to put in 5 new outlets n he stated that the panel can handle it cuz it has 6 that r not even being currently used by the building at all. So u want to know how much he wanted to charg...
Posted by Raven on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 07:36:00 PST