Singing & more singing...dancing, drama, reading & playing my piano, hanging out with my friends including Cab :P , beach, movies & Church
Everything! (just about anyways)
Toxic by Britney Spears
"It's getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil cup
It's taking over me "Ah, what's a year without breaking a few hearts? Literally.
What 2004 Hit Song Are You?
The Passion Of The Christ, Serendipity, Beauty & The Beast, Dirty Dancing and Dirty Dancing Havana Nights, Grease, Pearl Harbour, Sweet Home Alabama, Mr and Mrs Smith & Just Like Heaven
Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Law & Order, C.S.I, NCIS
Angel Of Ruin, by Kim Wilkins; anything by Danielle Steele; My Bible; any mysteries! And I do love a good romance... (I'm such a sucker!!)
JESUS! My wonderful boy...