Sitting in a cafe in Paris, drinking hot chocolate, whilst people watching, is ideally where I would like to be right now but reality is keeping me (for the moment) in London, England where I doing a degree in Fashion Promotion at LCF (London College of Fashion for those of you that don't know) whilst working part-time (Fridays and Sundays) in the boutique Coco Ribbon in Notting Hill...I love my work girlies..or the Coco girlies as we liked to be called! Oh the nights out we have had!! Yes all very exciting and I wish I could fast forward now and see where it is all going to take me in the next few years but for now i will have to just sit back, get on with it and hope for the best! I absolutely love my flatmate Nicola..she is the best thing that has happened to me since i moved to London! My course is really good too and i have met so many amazing people. I did work experience at Christmas with Easy Living Magazine which was great. Went to Sweden for my birthday, thanks to Alex, one of my best friends.Anyway, fashion, as most people I know will tell you, is something I feel passionate about..maybe not the designing side so much but definetley the writing side. I love being able to express my feelings and ideas on new trends and people in and around the industry itself. In fact i can't see myself doing any other job except this!! I am about 5'7 and my staple wardrobe consists of shoes, handbags and more shoes! Who needs clothes when you've got accessories! I am a typical English girl-I love my tea in the morning and i love to shop in boutiques where i can find one off pieces, as well as poncing about in Chanel and Tiffany and Co on Bond Street..a girl can dream!! Paris is the place I want to live in the future, the atmosphere there is so laid back and dreamlike, i feel at home when i go there and who can resist the beautiful language! Another fact about me: I am really good at reading people and how they are feeling..I sometimes think i have partly psychic qualities because I always say what my best friend Hannah is thinking before she has even said it!! I am a Libran, so hate arguments and conflict and obviously like balance in life! At the moment I feel that I have so much more to gain from life and yet I also feel like I am loaded with incredulous amounts of information which are bursting to escape from me. In the past few years I have experienced every emotion possible and it has made me a far stronger and in some ways, better person..I have met people who have inspired me and at the same time made me angry but this is what life is about. You are here to learn about yourself and you do this by connecting with the people around you.
What else can I enlighten you with?! I love Art. It expresses visually how a person feels and in particular I think that photography can encapsulate any moment in time perfectly. I have many odd obsessions, which at times, don't mix well..these being chocolate, charming boys (who often break my heart) and listening to many types of music. I always think music sounds better when you listen to it with someone else though. Sharing it makes it so much more amazing! Things that irritate me are people eating with their mouths open, people who are only aware of and think of themselves and those annoying shop assistants who when you go into a shop wont stop hassling you, asking if you need any help! NO I DON'T! Oh yeh and people who honk their horns uneccessarily-what's that all about?..bloody road rage! I hate seeing people suffer and am grateful to have a loving family who support me in everything I do. I dont know what I would do without some of my closest friends. Whenever I need someone to talk to or do some retail therapy shopping with, I have my best friend Hannah waiting on the other end of the phone- we are so similar we might as well be sisters! I also have a tendancy to find boys as being more appropriate acquaintances because they don't tend to bitch like girls. Anyway enough of me, if you want to know anymore you can ask and im sure i will find a suitable answer. Ciao"; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!