-i looove betsy johnson
-i love my gay men
-i collect parking tickets
-i golf
-i make fun of people when im drunk
-i make friends everywhere
-i have a celebrity twin...
life, music, sweet aviators, tacky jewelry, people with cool tattoos, guitar hero, blue moon, yankee candles, old pictures, blueberry white tea, vacations, people who make me laugh, silly drunks, boats and fishing, sun dresses, movie nights, new and old loves, sour patch kids, jamba juice, family, summer summer summer.
edie sedgwick and andy warhol, courtney love, hugh heff, merrill nisker, johnny cash, marie antoinette, tommy lee, jennavecia from the bad girls club, and people with no boundaries who decided to throw the morals out the window.
a little bit of everything with no country added
pretty neat
love em
all of you assholes.
and of course...