After 7 years, a war, a wife who said no(then a divorce from said wife) and financial ups and downs I have finally done it. I purchased a sick fuckin' AR-15 assault rifle recently. Its as custom as I've ever seen. More updates and videos are sure to come as I haven't fired it yet. Soon, very soon...... Shooting and collecting guns has always been a favorite of mine. My favorite rifle is by far the M4 assault rifle. With all the fixins of course, taclight, laser, reflex scope. Check out my pics. Like that. Otherwise, I go to school. Thats about it.
You!And: Decent people with morals and ethics. Too many scumbags around here. If you lie, cheat or steal don't associate with me. You'll end up paying for it.
Check out both the videos below. They are both filmed during my tour in Iraq. Black Hearts on helmets are my unit. All the rest are still 101st, just different brigades. And one of course is me shooting my service rifle at the range.
101st in hyperspeed!
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Theres about 2 million heroes of mine.The American Soldier. Fighting and dying every day so the people of this country can be free to live their lives. Unfortunately, alot of those people are unappreciative leeches who don't deserve to live here. You know who you are.......