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If something is yours by right, then fight for it or shut up. If you can't fight for it, then forget

About Me

The Beginning Of The End

It's Me

Name is Leo. My full name is Leonardo Fredy Perlera, I choose not to put in my mothers maiden name which is Campos. My mother says she originated my name from the famous painter Leonardo De Vince, I say she was just on something and couldnt think of any other non-hispanic name to stamp me. As a child I grew up in the San Fernando Valley [Sun Valley], I could say strongly I was the biggest nerd in my neighborhood, I once wanted to hit on this girl at the age of 11, instead i asked her if she wanted to jump on an inflatable jumper and eat chips. I ran out of breath and ate the chips the fastest, she was 15. I've met many great friends along the way, still to this day I can say I have great friends, but there's only 3 or 4 I can say, will be the ones congratulating me at my university graduation or my first born. My family has become really religeos and would want me to do the same, but I'd rather take things slow then end up shunning my religeon in the long run. I'm a child of two immigrant salvadorean parents, both hard working and citizens of the united states since the 1980's, which makes me an American. I am an american like most, and like the rest of us, I don't agree half the time with the government and/or the president, but I don't do anything about it so why should I even bother telling others. I am a junior soon to be senior at Saugus High School, a school where they want all races to hold hands and sing the "Kumbaya", no one wants to so no one will. I have lost someone close to me to cancer, she's always in my heart and mind, I still get those sudden urges to cry when I think of the music she danced to and the vacations we had,R.I.P Tia Diana. Tomorrow's a new day, a new chapter and a new day to breath, but is it gonna be worth it.LIKE HELL IT IS!

My Interests



My Blog


1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one wor...
Posted by Millhouse on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 07:17:00 PST