Everything. I love doing things I've never done and going places I've never been.
God. I got some questions.
Don't get me started.
All kinds. I love he cult classics, new and old. The greats(Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Scarface, etc.). Weird shit you've never heard of. Documentarys. Sci-fi. Action. I like really cheesy movies too, but only he ones that re intentionally cheesy. If it's accidental it sucks.
Adult swim, Heroes, House, CSI(the original(, and a few others. Fuck reality TV and all that shit that tries to glamorize being rich, concited, and stupid. All that crap does is spread ignorance.
Too many to list. Fiction, nonfiction(sociolagical studies, current events, etc.). I think reading is the best form of learning. Even if all you read is fiction it excersices you mind and imagination.
I don't have any. No ones ever came to my rescue and I don't need them to.