I'd like to meet:
kahit sino
R n B, Pop, alternatiVe, technO...
swEet nOvembeR, shallow Hal, Paycheck, 50 first dateS, matriX, Lord of the RingS trilogy, TrOy, Kill Bill 1 &2, The Last Samurai, Bruce Almighty, Bad Boys II, tripLe X 2, HITCH, weddiNg daTe, The island, If only...
ö fEar fActOr, ö that's sO raveN, ö nuts entertainment, ö discoveRy cHanneL, ö aniMal pLanet, ö bliNd Date, ö the 5th wHeeL, ö F.R.I.E.N.D.S , ö qUeeR eYe fOr the Straight Guy/ GirL, ö soap operas, ö worst case scenariO, ö maximUm ExposuRe...
medicaL-surgiCal nursinG, Fundamentals oF nursiNg- koZier, tOrtoRa, hehehehe...... reader's diGest, chiCken Soup...