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Live Intensely and Beautifully.

About Me

I'm one big, happy goofball that enjoys life and all that it has to offer. Laughter IS the best medicine- it's what I credit my good health to! ; ) I'm the world's biggest klutz- if there's a wall to walk into (I swear to God 'they' keep moving them!), something to trip over, something to spill, as well as repetitive locking of keys in cars or houses (I truly believe I am keeping the tow company in my area running, just from my business alone- hey it's about giving back to your community, right?)- I'm your girl! ; ) I love the arts and music, and photography is my passion (though I need to learn more about it!) There's nothing better than being outdoors and being active, going to the park and being a 'big kid'= fun times! ; ) I'm a HUGE 'people person'! Learning about language and culture fascinates me to no end- it's amazing what each person has been through in their lives, and how much we can learn and grow from each one we meet.... "Diversity is the only true thing we all have in common."p align="center"
The Essence Of A New Day........"When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in it's place is something that you have left behind......let it be something good."
"Do one thing every day that scares you."
"The purpose of life is to live it; to taste experience to the utmost; to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
"It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not."
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

My Interests

Nia, Yoga, and dance, people, culture, language, and diversity, family, friends, photography, art, music, and painting, coffee, traveling, road trips, camping, horse back riding, old people- they're so precious and their stories are fascinating, nature, the change of seasons, thunderstorms, kayaking, rock climbing, biking, walking, music and art festivals, people watching, trying/learning new things, being a kid at the park, anything that gets me outside, and anything that makes me laugh (which is just about everything because I'm easily amused) ; )

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Where do I even begin? I absolutely love music, a little of what I listen to would be...... Ani Difranco, Tori Amos, Sarah McLaughlin, Melissa Ferrick, Ellis, Azure Ray, Holly McNarland, Everything but the Girl, Over the Rhine, Sia, Natalie Merchant, Saving Jane, Butterfly Boucher, Dido, Donna De Lory, Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Jack Johnson, Rob Thomas, Jude, Bonobo, Rasa, Bitter:Sweet, Telepopmusik, Deep Dish, Thievery Corporation, Portishead, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Norah Jones, Chris Pureka, Jen Cloher & The Endless Sea, Rusted Root, Delerium, The Postal Service, Tegan and Sara, Lazy Sunday, Nervous but Excited, Jem, Melissa Etheridge, Counting Crows, Cold Play, Pink, Barbara Payton, and on, and on, and on.....


A few of my favorites would be.... The Notebook, Life as a House, Amelie, Garden State, Better than Chocolate, Love Actually, Benny and June, When Harry Met Sally, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Little Miss Sunshine, Before Sunset, The Neverending Story, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Sandlot, Steel Magnolias, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail (you have to be a real goof ball to like this one), Napoleon Dynamite, Austin Powers, Pulp Fiction, Boys on the Side, High Art, American History X, The Matrix, Kill Bill, Good Will Hunting, The Life of David Gale, Pretty Woman, E.T., My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Edward Scissorhands, Moulin Rouge, The Wedding Singer, Broke Back Mountain, The Lord of the Rings Movies, and the Harry Potter's-big kid, I know! = )


I hardely have time to watch TV, but when I get a chance, I am that nerd that watches the History Channel! ; ) I also *heart* Extreme Makeover...I cry every darn time I watch it! I used to love Strangers With Candy, Queer as Folk, and Twin Peaks.


I haven't sat down and read a book in so long! A couple I enjoyed in the past were... Stone Butch Blues, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, For Water Like Chocolate, A Child Called 'It', The Harry Potter books, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, as well as books about war and the psychology of it.


My grandmother = ) She's been through so much in her life, yet has made the best of it all and is such an amazing woman! She lost her mother when she was thirteen years old and became the caregiver for her father and brothers. She was also widowed at forty-four, which left her with five children to raise on her own. She had to start working and learn to drive on her own (as husbands were the ones to do those things during that time.) Despite all the hardship she endured, my grandmother became a very strong, independent, and confident woman. I lived with my grandmother at a difficult time in my life, during which she taught me to look on the 'bright side' of every situation. She has always been very adamant about not letting hard ships or life get you down, because there's always a good lesson to be learned and to grow from (as well as something brighter around the corner.) She was also the first person I came out to, and continues to be the most supportive. Rather than try to change me, she has tried her hardest to become educated. She recently called me up and asked if I'd like to go see Broke Back Mountain with her, I couldn't believe that I went to see it with my grandmother (I didn't know where to look during the first sex scene!) = )........ She has truly shown me how to love life and make the best out of it, because life is too short to get caught up with the 'little things'. She used to make me so angry when I wanted to feel sorry for myself, now I'm very thankful to have such an inspration in my life!

My Blog

A Tattoo Story...

I'm writing this because you just have to laugh at yourself !  So I'm all 'bad ass' with my three tattoos, right?   That's a joke- I'm about as far away from bad ass as you can get...
Posted by Micaela on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 06:59:00 PST

After A While

I love this poem and thought I'd share....... After A While  by Veronica Shoffstall After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, and you learn that lo...
Posted by Micaela on Sun, 21 May 2006 01:21:00 PST

For all of you looking for a 'Good Time'..........

I had to laugh today as I was reading my messages at some of the outlandish propositions and requests I receive on a daily basis from complete strangers.  I'm not mad at anyone, if anyt...
Posted by Micaela on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 09:17:00 PST