smoran375 (9:43:06 PM): Once upon a time there was a young boy named claire. He decided to climb a tall tree to look at an eagels nest he got to the top and the eagle pecked the s^%$^%$*^%*$t out of him. he fell. he landed on a long metal spike. he died. when he woke up he was in a magical land he stumbled upon a unicorn with a bad back "oh" the unicorn shouted. "please fix my back" so claire began giving the unicorn the hinelick remover to try and crack his back claire pulled to hard and the unicorns spine snaped in two 47 unicorns steped out of the bushes "DID YOU JUST KILL STEVE"!!!!! they squwered clair onto his horn. they ran around chapland with clare atached to the top of there heads. a magical doctor appeared in a purple waterfall he said "claire, i think i can help you. but first we have to kill all the unicorns" so they got a shotgun he said ok clair try and hold the unicorns still so i dont shoot you so clair tried to hold them still but he had to sneaz and he accidentally did the unicorn gave a violent lurch, for he was deathly afraid of jerms. he began squeeling in pain as clairs blood spilled down his side the doctor would need to do alot more sergery now so the unicorn died of fright of jerms and clair was safe but there was one problem he was still attached to a dead unicorn ok so doctor wizard sawed off the unicorns horn and sewed up clair but they had to leave the horn insade him then claire so a cloud of fog then a man in a robe walked out of it "my name is jesus christ" i am the son of god come with me or i will eat your soul in my morning toast" so they walked into the fog suddenly claire awoke on earth 12 years past claire was riding on a hourse and he fell he broke a rib so he went to the doctors and they X rayed him they saw the unicornes horn inside him they pretended to be poping his ribs back in place in surgery but they realy were stealing his horn with out the horn inside him his kidney would bleed to death so claire died but the doctors got rich by selling the horn on ebay THE END
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smoran375 (9:43:06 PM): Once upon a time there was a young boy named claire. He decided to climb a tall tree to look at an eagels nest he got to the top and the eagle pecked the s^%$^%$*^%*$t out of him. he fell. he landed on a long metal spike. he died. when he woke up he was in a magical land he stumbled upon a unicorn with a bad back "oh" the unicorn shouted. "please fix my back" so claire began giving the unicorn the hinelick remover to try and crack his back claire pulled to hard and the unicorns spine snaped in two 47 unicorns steped out of the bushes "DID YOU JUST KILL STEVE"!!!!! they squwered clair onto his horn. they ran around chapland with clare atached to the top of there heads. a magical doctor appeared in a purple waterfall he said "claire, i think i can help you. but first we have to kill all the unicorns" so they got a shotgun he said ok clair try and hold the unicorns still so i dont shoot you so clair tried to hold them still but he had to sneaz and he accidentally did the unicorn gave a violent lurch, for he was deathly afraid of jerms. he began squeeling in pain as clairs blood spilled down his side the doctor would need to do alot more sergery now so the unicorn died of fright of jerms and clair was safe but there was one problem he was still attached to a dead unicorn ok so doctor wizard sawed off the unicorns horn and sewed up clair but they had to leave the horn insade him then claire so a cloud of fog then a man in a robe walked out of it "my name is jesus christ" i am the son of god come with me or i will eat your soul in my morning toast" so they walked into the fog suddenly claire awoke on earth 12 years past claire was riding on a hourse and he fell he broke a rib so he went to the doctors and they X rayed him they saw the unicornes horn inside him they pretended to be poping his ribs back in place in surgery but they realy were stealing his horn with out the horn inside him his kidney would bleed to death so claire died but the doctors got rich by selling the horn on ebay
a href=" riolover/?action=view¤t=l_c648c24fbab29f96e78ae95e 1c8441bd.jpg" target="_blank"
silent hillllll!!!!!!!