Isotonix... the NATURAL solution to life profile picture

Isotonix... the NATURAL solution to life

I am here for Networking

About Me

First of all thanks for ALL the e-mails!!! It hasn't been easy having to move our MySpace page... but, the tech support people at MySpace are assuring us that this technicality will not occur in the future. Our biggest challenge at the moment is getting our past FRIENDS LIST compiled. Only then can we begin blogging where we left-off. So please, let our friends know. ISOTONIX is now in the hands of more celebrities, trainers and nutritionists than EVER BEFORE. The common statement among them is that they WILL NOT live a day without it. The message of disease prevention, better health and longer living is speaking loud. ISOTONIX is at the forefront of its industry. Because of this... now YOU can reap its benefits and advantages. Past, current and NEW customers alike. I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE... and I WILL!!! ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ I want you to see and feel the difference that OPC-3 can do for you and everyone you know. OPC - Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, is provided through my website, or ordered directly through me. In either case you can receive and be on your way to a healthier life along with many other wonderful Health, Nutrition, Personal Care, Anti-aging, Cosmetics and Weight Management available as well. In addition, my site provides you with a one-stop-shopping cart (i.e. one checkout) while visiting many major super-stores and 800 retailers with each having wonderful products to offer you. ************************************************************ The Advantage of Isotonix® ProductsWhen we eat food, drink a beverage, or ingest most nutritional supplements, the stomach must secrete diluting juices, enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and at least one vitamin-binding protein to begin the process of digestion. This process requires energy and time — about 40 minutes or more, depending on the size of the meal. Isotonix products are great-tasting powders that are mixed with water. They are then delivered into the small intestine nutritionally concentrated, maximizing the opportunity for absorption of nutrients across cell membranes. Isotonix products are usually taken on an empty stomach, dramatically shortening the transit time through the stomach. This minimizes the chance that important micronutrients will be trapped by fats, fibers, and tannins or inactivated by a highly acidic pH level that can neutralize the nutritional value. The solution can then flow into the small intestine, where a small volume of pancreatic digestive juice mixes with it, adding sodium bicarbonate to adjust the pH to neutral, thereby maximizing the potential uptake of micronutrients. ************************************************************ I feel that if you are breathing, you should consider taking OPC-3 daily. If you are on blood-thinners, please consult your physician before taking this product. I want you to benefit as I do. Your selection of supplements gives you the healthy well-being and energy to pursue your life's ambitions. ************************************************************ Our bodies are made up of billions of molecules held together by electromagnetic forces. These chemical bonds are created with paired electrons. Free radicals are unstable molecules that have lost an electron and are unbalanced. One free radical can damage a million or more molecules in a chain reaction referred to as “radical propagation,” which leads to oxidation, or what is referred to as oxidative stress. ************************************************************ Review the PICS section to explore OPC-3 and many products that can help you reach that healthy state you desire. This also may be a great site for your family, relatives, friends, and co-workers. We are all extending your lives today and looking for the best products to achieve internal and external great health. This is you start in education through context and products that will help you get there. ************************************************************ Please sign up for your Preferred Customer number for savings and notification on the latest product information. Outside of some basic information, like name, address and email, you will receive the generated Preferred Customer number. Please remember and write down this number. If you loose it, please email me. ************************************************************ With the Preferred Customer status, take the NutriPhysical survey and see what the recommendations make for you. Have your other immediate family members try it out. Have your relatives, friends and co-workers go to the website, sign-up as a preferred customer and try it out as well. Everyone I know loves to take this personal survey. ************************************************************ That's it for now. I will have much more coming and more Blog pages with information for you to visit and read. Stay healthy and get wealthy.

My Interests



Favian and Celia Alvarez... the couple who sold me my first 2 bottles of ISOTONIX and changed my life.