Welcome to my MySpace self-poster. I don't make changes so often here, but living in the 21st century I feel like I should be put my little self-representation into the culture directory. May it represent me well.
Who I am is different every time I have a conversation with someone, and I am not sure I am anyone at all when I am silent. I have an innate attraction to unusual and rare things, and surround myself with symbolism.
I'm great at problem solving but terrible at remembering things. I treat my consciousness like a high performance rocketship that I am forever learning to control.
Also I am a nice person. Seriously. I have references.
"Nothing short of everything is ever really enough."
    - Aldous Huxley
"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
    - Bertrand Russell
"The spirit of Muad'Dib is more than words, more than the letter of the Law that arises from his name. Muad'Dib must always be that inner outrage against the complacently powerful, against the charlatans and the dogmatic fanatics. It is that inner outrage that must have its say because Muad'Dib taught us one thing above all others: that humans can endure only in a fraternity of social justice."
    - "The Fedaykin Compact"