Star Sign : Cancer -
Sexuality : Straight -
Status : Single -Profession : Customer Advisor/Model - -Cigarettes : I don't smoke -
Alcohol : I like to get drunk -
Perfect Partner : Tyrin Turner, DMX Or A Gangsta ;-)... Or Marcus -
Makes Me Happy : Snuggles, Cuggles, Kisses, Money!!! -
Makes Me Sad : Thinking, LIES, I HATE Ex's, Love Annoys Me!!! -Bad Habits : Cracking Ma Bones, lol -
Interests : Drinkin, Clubbin, Being Wit Ma Mates -IN MY OWN WORDS...
I LOVE having fun, nothing better than laughing! Ill try or do anything once ;-) i love chillin out wit ma mates, going clubbin with em, Missed em loads since we all got new lifes :-(, watching dvd's especially Chick Ficks or Horrors, i love kissing, cuddling, and my cutie Kittys Sugar N Spice Love getting drunk at randum tyms, enjoy going to nite clubs wit me bruva's getting wrecked n not remembering a fing lol. Hate the cold, rain and walking, Prefer to be in ma car nice warm and dry lol. Few Sites Im Registered Wiv: MODELPICS.CO.UK - DYNAMICMODELS.CO.UK -