hating the world is only half the problem but concouring the world wouldn't even be a problem. its hard to have intrests when everything is so intresting look at me!!! aren't i the most intresting thing out there
what is the world coming to, a world full of hate and shame and blah.... each day is to long of a lesson to learn thats why i constantly forget the lesson i'm suppose to be learning... confused in a world of maddness surrounded by the mad hatter and his tea party... make sense yet probably not? who am i to be in the world of maddness and saddness, a rotten ego sold to the devil for the price of drugs... all the lonely people where do they go? hmmmm i guess i'll never know... am i weirdin you out yet... good? just let me continue on my riot of hatred and burn this mother down, while flying in my rocket to outer space.....
the things that we go through in life every day are just learning lessons, that we have to push through. life is a black hole and i m constantly falling through it........ god why does this shit suck so bad
if you want to go somewhere in life leave the mill town behind because it will keep you here.... and you will be down in a hole losing control
my eyes feel with this burning as if today is the day to shed every tear thats been hiding out in the past months. my heart is feeled with only pain and lonliness, shallow feelings feel my soul and i would trade in this natural feeling for any better high but i can't because it's bound to happen..... such a sad sad day its been, will all the days continue in horrid ways
can we continue to hide in this bottle like this forever is this our fate to just look through instead of breaking through when will the emotions stop and the hiding begin
oh wait you want to know my hero its anton wilson for saying that more people need to use maybe more instead of using always yes or no? is the cat dead or alive maybe its both