we've witnessed history, OBAMA 1st black presi profile picture

we've witnessed history, OBAMA 1st black presi

I am here for Friends

About Me

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THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS MESSAGED ME. i AM REALLY SORRY IF I DON'T REPLY TO YOU IN TIME BUT PLEASE BARE WITH ME I WILL GET BACK TO EVERYONE. I'M GOING TO GET SOME UPDATED PICS OF ME TO PLACE ON THE SITE, AND LIKE I SAID I WILL GET BACK TO ALL OF YOU OK. IM SORRY FOR THE DELAY X.I am a friendly and funny person that is always up for jokes!. You should live life to the fullest because God is coming for you soon so you should behave yourself if not then...........boi...........You know where your going! I was in the BlackSoul video called "Temperatures Rising", and its on Channel U. Their Myspace page is www.myspace.com/blacksoul2006. The video is at the bottom left hand side of my page, so check it out and let me know what you think. I am also in Tinie Tempahs video to Wifey. I actually call myself a model beacuse i know i have qualities to become a model, not that i am being big headed but you have to have confidence in yourself in order to fulfill your dreams. So if any agencies or people who are actually going to talk business would like to contact me you can do that through Myspace or through msn [email protected]. Thank you...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?: refinnej
What did you do last night?: went to sleep
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: i cant remember
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: what kind of foolish...........
Last time you swam in a pool?: when i was bout 9
What are you wearing?: wouldn't you like to know
How many cars have you owned?: no :(
Type of music you dislike most?: heavy metal
Are you registered to vote?: yes
Do you have cable?: yes
What kind of computer do you use?: a dell 19" flat screen we pimpin up in here lol
Ever made a prank phone call?: yes lol
You like anyone right now?: yes
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: i would and i wouldn't
Furthest place you ever traveled?: my mothersw omb
What's your favorite comic strip?: hmmm........
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: no
Shower, morning or night?: yes
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: saw 3
Favorite pizza toppings?: chicken barbeque, peppers, onions and cheese
Chips or popcorn?: both
What cell phone provider do you have?: t-mobile
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: huh?
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: no but i should lol
Orange Juice or apple?: apple
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: lena and shay
favorite chocolate bar?: i have loads but mainly kinder bueno
Who is your longest friend and how long?: hmmm...... salimah and debbie
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: i dont think i have
Have you ever won a trophy?: yes at sports day
Favorite arcade game?: any driving game
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: yes
Sprite or 7-UP?: they both kind of taste the same but i would say sprite
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: yes
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: i aint been walgreens
Ever thrown up in public?: no
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: hmmm cant i have both lol
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?: spongebob all the way
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: yes
What message is on your voicemail machine?: omarion-obsession
Where would you like to go right now?: anywhere fun or to a certain someones house to get my freak on lol
Whats the name of your pet?: i aint got 1
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: i have a new york yankees and its has personal stuff in it
What do you think about most?: love and my future
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Contact Tables @ Marksgraphichelp.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Im not sure who i would like to meet, but i would most definately like to meet God and ask him questions like what is the meaning of life?

My Blog

Why do guys never know how good they've got it until it's gone?

How is it guys can have the most beautiful girl in the world as their wifey but they still cheat? How is it that a guy can have a wifey who treats him like a king and yet they stray away 2 sum heffer ...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 07:20:00 GMT

What is the meaning of love?

What is the meaning of love? Why when you put your all into somrthing it just fucks up. Why can't i find someone who will hold me when im scared, wipe my tears when i cry, laugh with me when im h...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 07:53:00 GMT