real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor . Vanishing Point:n. 1: Stage of complete disappearance.
2: Point at which parallel lines appear to meet.
Kinesis v Anapausis
"Ye favouring Gods, relieve me from this toil": Aeschylus, The Agamemmon
I'm 6ft tall, slim with dark brown hair and blue eyes. I am a graduate of Durham University.
I had been working in Petrochemicals and Oil/Gas Engineering for a number years. I have now given up full time work up to write. Presently in the course of a Major work, part fictional, part factual exploring the theology and philosophy behind the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, Ipet-Swt. Also undertaking minor projects of writing erotic fiction, which I'm told, I have some talent for :).My main interests include, Science, Cosmology, Ancient History, Philosophy and Religions.
My hobbies, include reading, movies, music ( big dance fan), making models, photography.I enjoy, hanging out in good cafes, drinking Italian Cappuncinnos, shock horror, smoking a cigarette as well.I'm according to Jung, I'm type no7, Extroverted Intuitive type, if you understand where I'm coming from on that.I'm looking for anything and anybody who interests my ever enquiring mind.I'm a Cancerian, a summer baby whose ruler is the Moon,La Luna. CURRENT MOON about the moon