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I am here for Friends

About Me

ABOUT MEHmmmm... Decided its time for an upgrade on this section, so here goes: I'm grown, educated, cultured, classy, beautiful inside and out, trustworthy, honest, genuine, humble, and giving. I am honored to be the mother of a beautiful, intelligent and talented 8 year old girl who changed my life the minute she was born. I'm a Christian and I put God first in my Life! He deserves all the Glory and the Honor for His grace and mercy and all my many blessings I have been given and will be given! I would be nothing without Him! I have a group of fabulous friends whom I love dearly, some a bit crazier than others but I love them just the same and would bend over backwards if they needed it, cuz I know they'd do the same. I’m half Sicilian and half Azorean and love my family!!! I'm currently finishing my last semester of Graduate school and will begin my internship in the fall of '08' I have this great need to help people deal with their issues so that they can accomplish their goals and dreams. It’s the nurturer in me. I’m close to becoming a therapist/school adjustment counselor so I can do just that. I want to do something that matters to the world, helping people to become whole and good members of society. I strive daily to live my life with integrity so that I can be the best person I can be. There is no excuse when you know right from wrong. I intend to demonstrate this to my daughter so she too can grow up and become a great influence to others. I dislike false people, liars, racism, sexism, hatred, ignorance, war, greed, the weak minded, hypocrites, people who are too lazy to wait until they see a trash can to throw trash away, abusers, idiots, people who don't vote then complain,dead beat fathers/mothers,and the list goes on... There is so much more that I want to do with my life and I believe they will all come to pass. I hope to travel around the world, own a villa in Northern Italy, learn more languages (fluent in Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish), and continue to help others change their lives, marry a wonderful God fearing man and have more beautiful children! I know that if I put God first, all else will fall into place, for He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him, Hebrews 11:6. I’m here to keep in touch with old friends and nothing more... So be grateful for what you have, strive to accomplish your goals, do not compromise any part of yourself for anything or any one, stay true to yourself, accept the good and discard the trash, persevere and never give up! Be blessed!I edited my profile at Free Christian MySpace Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!
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My Interests

Laying on the beach and basking in the sun, summers in Sicily and Terceira, family gatherings, enjoying my daughter, reading, enhancing my mind, school, dancing, writing, drawing, chilling with my close friends, talking to God, driving at night with the music blasting, windows down letting the warm breeze in, singing in the shower, hearing my dad tell stories, cooking for friends, reminiscing, looking at old photos, acting silly, long walks, late night phone calls about nothing, laughing, listening to the rain, reading old poems...

I'd like to meet:

Mary J Blige!!! She helped me through alot of angry and sad moments!!!! Dang was i feeling all her albums!!! Her new one is hott!!! TUPAC! YEA EE YEAYE! HA! He was so intelligent, poetic, passionate, its sad we couldnt see what he would have accomplished had he still been alive! Terrence Howard, HMM HMM HMM, what a fine man! FLAWLESS!%D%AI would have loved to meet MLK, everytime i watch documentaries on him or hear his speeches it just gives me goosebumps! What determination!!!! Maya too cuz she's so full of wisdom and grace! Now you all know i'm gonna say OPRAH too!!! HA! I just think she does so much and is so real.

Christian Myspace Layouts


I love HIP HOP,R&B,& Reggae! BUJU AND MJB!!!!! Mary J is my girl!!! Her albums have helped me through many hard times! I also love listening to Laura Pausini (gotta represent the Italians!) and Marc Anthony (Strictly his spanish hits). In the car my daughter and I listen to Kelly Clarkson,Mariah, Keyshia, MJB, The Cheetah Girls, radio Disney and what she calls JESUS MUSIC! Gotta hear some Gospel too!


Oh jeeze i've watched everything but sci-fi crap! Scarface, Godfather part 1(i'm Sicilian what can i say), Kill Bill 1 and 2 ( When Uma takes Darryl's eye out! Hilarious!!!), The Last Samurai ( although i dont like Tom that much). The Notebook, Hustle n Flow (Its kinda hard out here fo a pimp!), Crash, Loves Jones. Oh yeah and MEDEA!!!!!


VH1 SOUL is mostly on my TV but I do watch The Soprano's, Lost, Rescue Me, The Wire, General Hospital, OPRAH, and the Disney Channel...


Man i gotta long list! Ok, first THE BIBLE, best book ever written. i loved Memoirs of a Geisha, My Sister's Keeper, Night, Fortune's Daughter, Their Eyes were watching God, The Education of Little Tree, all of Maya Angelou's books! Author's: Isabel Allende, Amy Tan, Jodi Picoult, Alice Walker I love autobiographies and memoirs!


My mother, what a woman. She is just a blessing from on high! She never gives up no matter how tired or sick she is. She is the matriarch and backbone of our family! I dont know what i would have done or where i would be without her love and support!!!!

My Blog

There are no limits when you trust yourself

I've been contemplating lately on my life and what i need to be doing in order to accomplish my goals, dreams, vision and happiness. I am on the right track but sometimes i get sidetracked a...
Posted by Melo on Tue, 13 May 2008 07:13:00 PST


  Awakened from sleep These words unspoken embedded in my soul Keeping me uneasy Stuck in side Won't come out For fear they won't change a thing Because everything has changed so much already C...
Posted by Melo on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:47:00 PST

falling petals...

The Weather has changed slightly The Sun that once shined so brightly Has hidden behind a cloud The heat of his rays that once beamed over her Causing her petals to bloom beautifully Has dimmed She el...
Posted by Melo on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:59:00 PST


As I’m walking the familiar streets of my life I find myself in front of an unknown road Do I continue down even though I do not know where it will lead? An unexpected thought jolts me Stopping ...
Posted by Melo on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:06:00 PST


As time stands still... Hours seem like minutes And the smile is forever etched on my face Hopeful as the warmth of laughter soothes my being Could this lead to bliss? Wait! Stop! Don’t Move! Do...
Posted by Melo on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST


and as i listen to the drops tapping on my window pain i stop feel the echo vibrating through my soul i wonder what days would be like if we all just felt life so deeply so in tune with o...
Posted by Melo on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:09:00 PST


Words slip off the tongue Heart is badly stung Automatically Pride grabs his tools and begins his bricklaying duties Stacking one brick on top of the other He applies a piece of construction adhesive...
Posted by Melo on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:04:00 PST

God Told Me My Worth

God Told Me My Worth I am more than a one night stand. I quit "having sex" a long time ago, I deserve a man who "makes love" then lies next to me, One that wants everything, not just sex with me. I ...
Posted by Melo on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:22:00 PST

I need a CHANGE OF ADDRESS form&

Enough is enough  You gotta go You can't stay here anymore I'm not playing this game with you I am some body Deserving of the utmost respect All day! Everyday! I am worthy of love The battle sca...
Posted by Melo on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 10:27:00 PST


Memories of those dreadful nights of insomnia enter my mind Tossing and turning due to the draining thoughts that filled my head Those times are getting vague My heart no longer can feel the pain as I...
Posted by Melo on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:27:00 PST