The Fontanels profile picture

The Fontanels

Gig on Sunday with The Gorgeous Colours!...

About Me

Friends, Lovers, Sons and Daughters, Welcome to our little space on d'interweb!!! We are The Fontanels. First of all, thank you for stopping by. It's lovely to know that such handsome people with sweet, ripped bodies are looking at you....nice...Secondly, let me tell you a little about the band only known as: The Fontanels . Born and bred in that great, garrison town of Dundalk- as some locals say: "A place on the map, a place in the mind". It's moulded and cast us to who we are. The music scene in Dundalk is starting to come out of it's little shell these days and, currently, there are quite a few young bands throwing shapes and making moves. Evil Harrisons, Jinx Lennon, The Pictures, The Tramps, Artificial Flight (very nice), Blind Pilots, Open Door Policy...(check out our top friends)... there's loads more!.. Have a wee listen. If you are looking for originality, it's all there. It was the imbroglio of influences from Da Town that set our sound in motion. We are influenced by Jelly-Legged Rock, Frenzied Fervorous Funk, Face-Melting Jazz, Face-Melting Soul, Post-Punk, Hip-hop, Electronica, Psychedelia, Harmony-Laden Pop and just about anything else that's a little bit skewed or off-kilter. We've been playing our tight little buns off in Dublin recently and released our debut EP in April..and there's a lot more on the way very soon. We're planning to go out over the next few months and road-test some new material..and drink... a lot! So, that's about it really ..Thanks for stopping by you insanely handsome and frankly, ridiculously talented person. We hope you enjoy our music..(too much at the end?...)
Myspace Layouts This is how it all began...Once upon a time there was a boy called Ciarán. Now Ciarán loved to play the guitar and sing lovely songs. Then, one day, he started to write his own songs and that made him very proud. However, there was one problem.....he was lonely playing on his own. Luckily, one afternoon, while buying a packet of skittles in his local newsagent he stumbled across another boy. This boy was about Ciarán’s age but had glasses and a hairy chin. Well this boy was making great loud noises with a spoon and some tins of marrowfat peas. When Ciarán asked the boy what is name was he replied “Ian.” Just at this time two other young people walked into the shop holding hands. Ciarán thought this was strange as they appeared to be very young but suddenly the girl started to sing the tune that was playing over the radio. Ciarán was impressed as not many people he had previously met knew the lyrics to Steely Dan’s “Peg”. Then the boy who was holding hands with this girl started to pretend to play the bass guitar and Ciarán thought that this was funny. Finally the two friends smiled at Ian and Ciarán and introduced themselves as Paddy and Shalom. It was at that very minute that they decided to form a funk rock band. However, they had to wait until Ciarán’s brother was born before they could start practising properly. And then it happened...Gavin was born...and just above his forehead were numerous soft spots...... Ciarán’s mum said these were called the fontanels... and so it began.............

My Interests


Member Since: 2/22/2006
Band Website: MySpace is all you need!!
Band Members:
Ciaran- Guitar, Voice, funny leg dance...and now..extra cowbell soloing!!

Shalom- Keys, Voice, shaking stuff, microkorging and general badass!!

Gavin- Guitar and random other things that are lying around...all at once...

Fa- Drums, Percussion and Filthy Latin Sultriness..

Paddy- Bass and Banter and someday...yes someday..the greatest 'tache ever grown on human face!

Influences: From Jimi to Cole Porter, Talking Heads, The Roots, Outkast, Sly and his family Stone, Fela Kuti, Gang of Four, M.I.A., Toots and the Maytals, Steely Dan to Stevie Wonder, Prince to Michael Jackson, the list is big, very big. Huge.
Sounds Like: The newborn love child of Talking Heads, Prince, and the DFA stable, the union consecrated in a place of dancing and merriment, maybe to some reggaeton...and Fela Kuti (must not leave out)...lets say, he's the DJ... The gradual maturation done on tender reflection in a basement listening to old stax/chess records smoking cubans with Machito and Tito Puente. The whole gynecological process overseen by Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Wonder and Matron Grace Jones!
Record Label: Yes Please!!!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Snow - Informer A big influence for us- Lyrical genius......
Posted by The Fontanels on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 04:19:00 PST

HWCH? w@nk¬r*s!

Excuse me, 24 out of 40, i.e. 60% for the funkiest groove in town? Please, give us a bit of credit, obviously some deaf people employed over there, stupid B@$t@rd*¬$$!!!...
Posted by The Fontanels on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 03:12:00 PST

Review from Highway 67- We must be good?!

After spending the best part of a month decadently consuming every tasty inch of Mexico City, the post holidays blues smothered my soul in a distasteful sense of general apathy. By chance and the turn...
Posted by The Fontanels on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 04:11:00 PST

I love reviewers!!!

Hahahahahaha!!!! We've just got a review from (little plug there..)....We were cacking ourselves about sending the CD away to strangers who might not"get it"!!! But we did and even thou...
Posted by The Fontanels on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:49:00 PST

We Are The Fontanels

eeeeCome listen to our new EP- We Are The Fontanels- from The Fontanels© 5 tracks of audio bliss with tunes to melt your face!
Posted by The Fontanels on Fri, 02 May 2008 03:07:00 PST


THE FONTANELS RELEASE "WE ARE THE FONTANELS EP"!!!!Good People, it's finally here!! Please check it out- 5 brand spanking new songs for your pleasure. We're on the verge of exploding with excitement!!...
Posted by The Fontanels on Fri, 02 May 2008 10:27:00 PST


New recording has begun. It will be a long and difficult period in our lives but we will keep you informed on our progress.
Posted by The Fontanels on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:34:00 PST