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I am here for Friends

About Me

for the gerrrmans (but don't mention the war): Querdenkende Revolverschnauze, Zynismus hassend, Unhöflichkeit verachtend, meistens Sonneschein im Herzen aber ebensogut hochgradig depressiv, umgänglich wenn man den kategorischen Imperativ anwendet, kann jemand wegen Kleinigkeiten verabscheuen, und andere wegen Kleinigkeiten lieben, komplex und kompliziert und doch einfach strukturiert und noch einfacher zu begeistern, musikalisch nicht festgelegt mit tendenz aufdringliche Gitarren zu meiden, elektronisch-experimentell-melodisch-pop, the killers meet saint etienne, kurzhaarig (kopf) manchmal glatze manchmal 3mm, hellbraun-dunkelblond, bart, blind und manchmal blöd
for the brits: I hate describing myself and the german version is not translateable. Well actually google tried it:
Transversethinking gun lip, hating cynicism, despising impoliteness, mostly sun light in the heart however just as well high-grade depressive, folksy if one uses the categorical imperative, can abhor someone because of little things, and love others because of little things, complex and complicate and nevertheless simply structured and still more simply to inspire, not fixed to a certain style of music but with tendency to avoid importunate guitars, electronic experimental melodic pop, the killers meet saint etienne, short hair (head) sometimes bald sometimes 3mm, light brown-dark-blond, beard, ametropic and sometimes stupid.
I'll give it a shot: humourous german bloke, shortish hair, nice teeth. Okay now sans cattlemarket: student of anthropology and cultural studies, love british comedy and music... and with a special longing for asda eclairs.Just ask for more!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ummm, nice people with a twist (humour or insane)

See my Fairy-well piccies here

My Blog

Mail maintenance

fuck myspace!
Posted by on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 09:12:00 GMT

Lost in translation: The Guardian about Germanys humour

Lost in translation The Brits often assume that Germans have no sense of humour. In truth, writes comedian Stewart Lee, it's a language problem. The peculiarit...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:06:00 GMT

"The Ringleaders pink jumpsuit and fluorescent red wig" (NOT Morrissey)

Transvestite gang pesters Magazine StreetBy Richard A. Webster Staff Writer2006-06-26 10:24 AM CST NEW ORLEANS Robyn Lewis, owner of Dark Charm fashion and accessories for women, represents the f...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:54:00 GMT

Pre Sheffield

bloody buggery hell.  My exchange coordinator just told me that I am not able to study english studies (my second major) whilst in sheffield because my exchange contract is just for cultural stud...
Posted by on Thu, 11 May 2006 03:50:00 GMT