~ MiZz Illy~ profile picture

~ MiZz Illy~

Strength Is Determined By How Much Pain You Can Take, And In The End Only The Strong Survive img src

About Me

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I am "ME" in all my splendor. It's pretty satisfying to know that in the whole big fat universe, there is absolutley noone exactly like me. Noone with my same set of eyes,noone with my lips, or my smile. I am one of a kind,unique and irreplacable. And best of all noone can ever duplicate me or you, even if they tried to. So here goes I am an emotional creature. I'm very in tune with my heart,my soul, I don't know about my mind I'm still working on that one. I was born and raised in Miami Florida A.K.A. "The Bottom" to all my old friends aquaintances, and partners in crime from back home you already know what to do, u better start clicking that add to friends button as soon as your'e done reading. Time flies, it seems like just yesterday I was running around a young teenager eager to grow up and experience "LIFE". Well I'm definatley grown and SEXY,and I do have a lot of responsibilities but guess what? No amount of time, responsibility, or age will ever take away my inner "BADGURL" or my passion for life and love. I believe all women are godesses. Divine creatures created to guide men and children through their complicated roles in this crazy world. I believe that we were designed emotional, sensitive and sexy for a reason..So ladies don't be afraid to be yourselves. "WE ROCK". Don't let this craziness tear you away from that origional feeling of "BADNESS" that we were all naturally born with. I't's actually a gift. No matter what you look like, it's a frame of mind. Being a "BADGURL" isn't about breaking the law, it's about breaking the rules and still being able to respect yourself in the morning. It's about breaking sterotypes, being yourself and pushing yourself to new limits. It's not about being afraid to use your head your heart and sometimes your honeypot to get what you want. A badgurl is you at your unsensored best whatever your style.If youv'e lost touch with your badness it's just an attitude adjustment away. And that's all I have to say about "ME". I'm such a BAD BAD GIRL.....

My Interests

Born N Raised

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I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people of all walks of life, all races,all orientations and admire each persons own uniqueness. I am a true believer that you can learn something valuable from anyone you come in contact with, even if it's a bum on the side of the road. I believe that everyone we meet, we meet for a reason. I like down to earth open minded individuals who love to enjoy life and who know the value of human interaction and friendship. I'm a down ass bitch so come fuck wit me, hATERS,PLAYERS,HOES,AND SERIAL KILLERS NEED NOT APPLY. Oh and if you get aroused by animals and/or children "GET THE FUCK OUT MY SPACE BEFORE I DO YOU SOMETHIN!

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My Blog

I'll have A Mr. Right Combo Please....

So I was in the drive-thru lane the other day.....And I was thinking my usual crazy thoughts....And I thought: Wouldn't it be nice if we could order a Mr. Right  this easy......It would go a litt...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Thu, 10 May 2007 08:52:00 PST


Strong ManI can tell through his eyes that he's had a rough life& At a young age,Must have taken on major responsibilities& Forced to grow up before his time&Old soul, young age... Growing to be a str...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Fri, 04 May 2007 02:21:00 PST


LoveWhy is love so painful? Love is painful because it creates the way for bliss. Love is painful because it transforms; love is mutation. Each transformation is going to be painful because the old ha...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:29:00 PST


In our quest for happiness we must be sure that we don't settle for a Playmate when God has a Soul mate waiting for us. Sometimes this is a hard distinction to make. Playmates are tricky. They are so ...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:31:00 PST


..>..> ..> Body: body {background-color:"3366CC";background-attachment: FIXED;} table, td {background-color:"3366CC";border:none;border-width:0;} Let the beauty of what you love//be what you do...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:46:00 PST


    Look down into your hand. See the key within it, lying there, sparkling and glowing in the light. The key that unlocks all of the secrets. The key that opens all of the doors. It is rig...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:09:00 PST


Writing a love letter doesn't have to wait for any special moment, like a birthday or Valentines Day. Receiving a hand-written love letter is one of the best expressions of love one can give. Why? Bec...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 02:35:00 PST


Many of life's circumstances are created by three basic choices; the disciplines you choose to keep, the people you choose to be with, and the laws you choose to obey.We are confronted with continual ...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 03:30:00 PST


Stop making life so difficult and complicated by being afraid to fully live it. Start spending more time as the person you truly are. Stop building elaborate scenarios in your mind about what might o...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:06:00 PST


Real love is that element that transcends any selfish acts. It's an unconditional love that is not looking for anything in return, but simply the satisfaction of giving love. Real love is without barr...
Posted by ~*LilCub@nM@mi*~ on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:32:00 PST