I am interested in all things pertaining to the human element. I am interested in science of all kind. I am interested in happiness. I think its the most seeked but the least truely found. I am interested in universal knowledge, without it people are fraud. i hope for the best but understand the worst. I am interested in you. I would be interested in any information about the where abouts of my Uncle Jimmy Hoffa. Yes this is true, my grandfather (my moms dad) is Jimmy Hoffa's brother. I meet John Gotti when I was 7 years old at a Hoffa family funeral that he attended. But I know there may not be anybody left alive in the world that might know what happened to my uncle or where he might be, but if you do, or have any knowledge of it , please tell me. Jimmy's Brother, my grandpa is very sick and will die soon, but he has been wanting to find out his whole life and he may never get to know. R.I.P. Uncle Jimmy.
Who Id like to meet? Id like to meet peace. Id like to meet God. Id like to know how far off I am from the concept of life. Id like to meet a girl, that doesnt have to lie. A girl that doesnt have to cheat. Someone that is content with the way things are. I sometimes' wonder if there is such a girl.Pure at heart, that can truely love. That word is so strong, Love. Not just a word but a description of a feeling that has no words. I think people throw love around without even understanding it.
Music? I like most music, I just cant seem to like country music thou. Favorite bands seem to change from week to week, I guess.
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!!Rest In Peace!! PROOF ...I have to give it up for EM and Detroit.
All books that have to do with Science. The study of human advancement. Evolution. Scientific studies. Cosmic forces. Relativity.
Heroes? I think we all are heroes, If you just catch us in the right moment.I do have a family hero. My uncle James R Hoffa. He did good things, dont let the media cloud you mind. A family hero and someone America will never forget. R.I.P. Uncle Jimmy.