Miss V. {Girl Anachronism} profile picture

Miss V. {Girl Anachronism}

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"I'm a million different things and not one you know."Disclaimer: I've been very busy lately and I've been going through a lot, I may not respond to your messages/comments/photo comments unless I feel that it is important. I hardly ever call people anymore but if you call or text me I will most likely call you back/respond.This song is me in a nutshell:You can tell From the scars on my arms And the cracks on my hips And the dents in my car And the blisters on my lips That I'm not the carefullest of girlsYou can tell From the glass on the floor And the strings that are breaking And I keep on breaking more And it looks like I am shaking But it's just the temperature And then again If it were any colder I could disengage If I were any older I could act my age But I don't think that you'd believe me It's Not The Way I'm Meant To Be It's just the way the operation made meAnd you can tell From the state of my room That they let me out too soon And the pills that I ate Came a couple years too late And I've got some issues to work through There I go again Pretending to be you Make-believing That I have a soul beneath the surface Trying to convince you It was accidentally on purposeI am not so serious This passion is a plagiarism I might join your century But only on a rare occasion I was taken out Before the labor pains set in and now Behold the world's worst accident I am the girl anachronismAnd you can tell By the red in my eyes And the bruises on my thighs And the knots in my hair And the bathtub full of flies That I'm not right now at all There I go again Pretending that I'll fall Don't call the doctors Cause they've seen it all before They'll say just Let Her Crash And Burn She'll learn The attention just encourages herAnd you can tell From the full-body cast That you're sorry that you asked Though you did everything you could (like any decent person would) But I might be catching so don't touch You'll start believing you're immune to gravity and stuff Don't get me wet Because the bandages will all come offAnd you can tell From the smoke at the stake That the current state is critical Well it is the little things, for instance... In the time it takes to break it she can make up ten excuses... Please excuse her for the day, its just the way the medication makes her...I don't necessarily believe there is a cure for this So I might join your century but only as a doubtful guest I was too precarious removed as a cesarean Behold the worlds worst accident I AM THE GIRL ANACHRONISM I'm the girl... I AM THE GIRL ANACHRONISMLet's see...I go to art school and that takes up most of my time. When I do go out I like to go to bars or clubs with friends and when I have money I love to go to shows. I'm a vegetarian but I eat sushi (a pescetarian, if you please). I don't like being questioned about my lifestyle choices, so please don't ask me or try to change my mind, I've been doing this for 6 years and counting now, so I doubt that you're suddenly going to make me see the light and I'm going to start eating meat for the first time in 6 years so don't even try. I won't preach to you if you won't preach to me. Anyway, I also love to read when I have the time. When I'm not doing artwork for school I love to paint and make collages. I like to paint surreal things (I was working on a dream series before art school interrupted that) and I make all sorts of collages, it usually depends on my mood. In school I love to draw with charcoal and ink (not together though). I really hate graphic design, but I still have to do it. I do some modeling on the side and I'm trying to go further with that when I have the time. I love to sing when I think that no one is listening, unless you get me drunk and then I'm known to sing karaoke :P I love to drive when there isn't any traffic. I want to travel more. I love the beach, but I burn. I love sunsets on the beach. I love the ocean and seashells. Shopping is my ultimate weakness. I love animals. I love to eat at nice restaurants, but not by myself. I love good company, but if the company is lousy I would rather be alone. Consequently, I hang out with very few close friends and I very rarely like to be surrounded by lots of people. Lastly, I'm not on this site to look for random guys to hook up with or date, so don't even ask. There's much more but you'll just have to get to know me to figure it out, I think that I covered the most important part though, if you want to know anything else just ask. which happy bunny are you?
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You adorable, but a little out there. It's alright, you might not have it all, but there are worse
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What shall your epitaph be? at QuizGalaxy.com
You Are A Vampire
You have a real thirst for bliss, and you consider yourself a true hedonist.
And you're not afraid to walk alone in life, if it means getting what you truly crave.
You truly enjoy entrancing people. Not to mention the ensuing pleasures of the flesh.
Your tastes have been called decadent and bizarre. You usually give in to your temptations, no matter how primal
Your greatest power: Your flawless ability to seduce and charm
Your greatest weakness: Human flesh
You play well with: Werewolves What Kind of Monster Are You?
What will happen in Beauty Fiend's game of life?
Bake your enemy into a pie
'What will happen in your game of life?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Orange County
You're rich, pretty, and living a charmed life. (Or you seriously wish you were.)
From Disneyland to Laguna Beach, you're all about living the California dream life.
Just make sure to marry rich - so you don't have to work for it! Where Does Your Inner Californian Belong? Vanessa --
Pretentiously Acadamian
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
You're Bettie Page!
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You Are Alice!
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You're Nny! You're psychotic and kind of evil, but somewhere in there is an emotion. Good luck finding it.
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You are Magenta. The lip gloss that sank the titanic.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me.""As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin"RIP Chauncy Alysse Reid 7/24/87~5/16/08 You'll be missed my Chauncy Kat <3, Vanessa McSexypants

My top friends consists of friends of mine that I support in whatever they do; music, photography, art, etc. so check them out!My best friend's photography:

My Blog

it's very sad...

That I messaged all of you yesterday about my new business and only 5 of you, (YES 5, how sad of a number is that?) added my business page. A few more of you sent me texts or messages with well wishes...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Oct 2009 12:00:00 GMT

Friends, please read!

I know that I haven't been around a whole lot, a lot has been going on these last few months; some good, and some bad, some leading up to this: My boyfriend and I are going to be starting a business a...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:17:00 GMT

Proposition number eight.

I haven't stood on my soapbox in a while, but this is something that's important to me. I've been seeing a lot of pro-prop 8 signs and what-not around lately, and frankly, it makes me fucking sick. Th...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 02:00:00 GMT

My heart is in your hands...

"You're sitting next to meThe leaves are on the groundMy heart is in your handsThe ticking of the clockThe siren on the streetMy heart is in your handsBut all I ever wantedAll I ever really neededWas ...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 07:47:00 GMT

I am the Girl Anachronism.

"Girl Anachronism"You can tellFrom the scars on my armsAnd the cracks on my hipsAnd the dents in my carAnd the blisters on my lips That I'M NOT THE CAREFULLEST OF GIRLSYou can tellFrom the glass on th...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 06:12:00 GMT

An apology...

So I'm feeling a bit better. Thank you to those of you who sent me beautiful comments and messages. Something came to my attention today. It seems that some of you may not know how much I really appre...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:02:00 GMT

Things are looking up...

I don't want to say too much until things happen for sure, but things seem to be looking up. I hope to find myself in a happier place soon here :) Some of you know what I'm talking about and some of y...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:11:00 GMT

I think that it may be time...

...to burn my bridges.
Posted by on Sun, 25 May 2008 15:50:00 GMT

Zombie Girl Hair Accessories taking donations for Chauncy.

This is reposted from Zombie Girl Hair Accessories (myspace.com/zombiegirlhairaccessories) Please repost.For those that haven't heard, one of my best customers Chauncy Alysse Reid died early morning M...
Posted by on Sat, 24 May 2008 17:21:00 GMT

RIP Chauncy Alysse Reid 7/24/87~5/16/08

For those that haven't heard, my friend Chauncy died early this morning in a head on collision on the 5 freeway. The other driver was driving on the wrong side of the freeway. Both drivers and Chauncy...
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 13:24:00 GMT