gECKO kILLA profile picture


A Arrogant Intolerable Bastard

About Me

I consider myself an average guy. Started off in Philly traveled about the country fucking up, learning, growing, maturing, and enjoying life. Of course I am far from finished. Anyhow, I now find myself in Boulder, CO and am living each day as it comes.This part of the about me blah blah was written later then what I have above, but I felt it was needed so here it is. I love to travel. And when I say I have traveled about the country that is no idle jest. Like I said I started off in Philly, from here I traveled up and down the eastern seaboard. I have also been told that I have been to Phoneix when I was very little. Apparently when I was still a toddler my parents decided to do a road trip ended up in Phoneix, my dad didn't like and we went back home, of course this is beyond my recollection. Anyhow, when Philly became a less desirble place to live my family and I moved to Voorhees, New Jersey. Spent a couple of years there and then we all headed to Palm Bay, Florida. From here I traveled about the not so great state of Florida. If anyone is insulted by this statement I'm sorry, but I really hated this state, there is some personal reasons for this but that is none of your damn buisness. Anyhow, my stay here wasn't really all that bad, meet some awesome freinds and the Keys were quite interesting. I suggest if you ever get the chance go there and check it out and beware the Key's days and nights are two different things. After a couple of years in Florida I moved off by myself to Montana. Havre, Montana to be exact, didn't do anything there too remarkable, except screw up in college, get a lesson in life, and meet some the greatest guys I have ever had the honor to meet. During my time in Montana I traveled to Canada, which has some really awesome people although don't ask them to say "eh" or "about" and I spent some time in Seattle, Washington, which was a truly great city and where I would like to end up some day. Well after about 3 years in Montana I moved back home to mom's house in Plam Coast, Florida, which sucked at the time but really helped me get my shit back in order. I spent 2 years back in my mommy's house before I left for Boulder, Colorado where I now reside. Now, of course I have been many other places then what I have listed for various amounts of time, but none really major enough to mention, however to state it quite simply I have been just about everywhere in the USA except Texas and with the exception of Canada I haven't left the country. Although I definatly plan on travelling aboard. Anyhow to sum it all up my travels I feel makes up for part of what I am and gave me a unique view of life and the people in it. It also taught me how truely different people are (one of those life lesson I got in Montana). And although some might say that those that travel too much have no sense of home or security, I say this is bullshit. I feel that my travels have helped teach me to not be afraid to explore, to be able to expect the unexpectable, and be able to make myself comfortable no matter where I am or what is happening. Experiance is truely the greatest teacher.The CricketSoda Myspace Editor!

My Interests

My interests include music, movies, and good books. Hanging out and shooting the breeze in the company of good friends. Camping, hiking, riding bikes, basically getting out and enjoying what nature has to offer. Essentially my interests include anthing that is fun and stimulates the mind among other things. Interpet that last statement as you wish.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wouldn't mind meeting me as well


Anything that sounds good. Doesn't matter the genre. Actually scratch that I most likely would not be down with polka, but otherwise i am game for anything. Currently listening to Queens of the Stoneage, Kyuss, Fu Manchu, Eagles of Deathmetal.


Movies is the same as my music anything that is enjoyable. Something that one could either lose themself in for awhile or that provokes the mind. However, movies that tend to be overly depressing I try to avoid. To date my faves are Ghostbusters, Empire Records, and every Godzilla movie, including the shitty American version.


Whatever numbs the mind during down time. current mind-numbing programs include Rescue Me, adult swim, and pretty much anything on the Discovery channel


I am a bit of an fantasy nerd so must of the books I have read are of this genre. However, I will read just about anything and the more it draws me in the better. Currently Reading the books by Steven Brust. Really fricking good writer in my opinion.


Anyone who is not afraid to enjoy life and speak their mind.