Partying,Travel,jewelry making,Art,reading,The Sims (soo addictive), languages
like minds.That is to say, intelligent persons with an awareness of what exists beyond the shores of the united states. I require that they enjoy recreational reading, appreciate a diverse range of music, and can handle unabashed honesty. I prefer to associate with those who have some post high school education, but will make decisions on a case by case basis. My favorite kinds of people are those who refuse to settle for the stupid little boxes that society tries to force us into.Shoot me a message. Preferably well written, with acceptable grammar. I do not reply messages written in ebonics or in generally ignorant language
I love music. All music. period.Oh and here's a little quiz I took....hilarious no?
You scored as Emo Kid, You listen to emo. 'Nuff said. You know how to dress. You usually feel as if nobody understands you.
Emo Kid
Sin City, Fight club, Sarafina!, Real Women Have Curves, Luminarias, Wedding Crashers, Elf, Click, Fiddler on the roof, Murder Live!, The Departed, Fight Club,The Incredibles,Sliding doors, Notting hill, Winnie the pooh, My Big Fat Greek Wedding...whatever isn't stupid...
Boy meets world, Family Guy, The Simpsons, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, The Real World, South Park, American Inventor, Sex and the City, Degrassi, Reba, (Yes...I said Reba...freaking good show) Eight Simple Rules, Girlfriends, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, Beauty and the Geek
The White Boy Shuffle, The Alchemist, The Phantom Tollbooth, Alice in Wonderland, Split Image, The Time Travelers Wife, 1984, Making friends with Black people.(Yes, It's an actual book by Nick Adams, It takes really awkward issues, and makes them FUNNY as hell), Anything by Paulo Coelho and J. California Cooper. I love reading, I love knowledge, I hate that college leaves me no time to read for the pure pursuit of knowledge.
My MOM she's Freakin' AWESOMEDANIEL MAN!!!! a.k.a SLICK!! My song buddy!! the ultimate class president, his super powers? funny faces,screwing up term papers and decision making.