two years vegan and still concluding its the smartest decision i've ever made. a little off beat i love to play dress up and cake making. i live for music and the hum of a dance floor and the vibration against the back of my head.i play a theremin and violin and i'm really bad at both! share my home with a giant cat and a tiny dog. i also have the best neighbors in the whole world. am old fashioned through and through. have a terrible time with technology as a whole. i love a good story, tell me a story and i'll love you forever. i wander a lot, around these street and everyones little yards, looking at plants and rocks and pets.
when not at work, i volunteer my time at hope animal shelter. a no kill shelter for cats and dogs. i love the people there completely and am happy i get to be a part of something so great that everyone puts so much heart into. want to help? then consider helping with a donation!