Real Life Action Hero profile picture

Real Life Action Hero

I am here for Friends

About Me

I was recently diagnosised with a severe case of the Peter Pan Syndrome (never want to grow up). I think I'm funny, but then again everyone thinks they are funny, so I will stick with trying to be funny. I like to laugh, I know everything so dont argue with me, I'm never in a bad mood, I dont take anything serious except racing. I never get mad, I'm always smiling, I never stop Luaghing and always trying to make people laugh, I can talk about anything to anyone kinda of a curse, I like cookies and milk, very laid back, I like to work out but I get lazy at sometimes, Im a smartass, I hate drama, I'm honest which means I could care less for a liar, I like to go to the zoo and watch the monkeys. Any thing else you can think of just ask. "If At First You Don't Suceed, Deny You Tried At All'

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A 155 Question MySpace Survey...With Good Grammar!
~*The Basics*~
Your full name:: Dustin Scott Bohannon
--What does it mean?:: It means you can call me Mr. Bohannon
Your birthday:: Aug 23rd
Height:: 5'10
Eye colour:: Blue
--Do you like it?:: Heck Yeah!
Natural hair colour:: Blonde
--Do you like it?:: Right On!
Gender:: Im A Dude
Religion:: Which ever one gets me to where I need to be
--Have you ever changed religions?:: No
--Would you consider it?:: I'd do anything if the price was right
Race:: White Boy
Heritage:: Irish and French
--Do you like your heritage?:: Yes
Where do you live?:: Where ever I want
Have you ever moved cities or countries?:: I lived in Baghdad for 2 yrs
Your job:: Tank Crewman
--Do you enjoy it?:: Yes
Movie:: Wedding Crahers
TV show:: Rescue Me
TV character:: Kramer
Movie character:: Billy Bob Thortons Character on Bad Santa
Book:: Cant think of one
Literary character:: Jasson Bourne
Author:: Robert Ludlum
Band:: Nickelback
Song:: The Dance
Type of music:: Country
Instrument:: Violin
Cereal:: Count Chocula
Fast food place:: Arbys
Dessert:: Cookies
Country:: USA
City:: Manhattan is fun
Place to travel:: Any Nascar Race
Airline:: Which every one is the cheapest and dont crash
Shampoo/conditioner:: Herbal Essences
Lotion:: Jerkins lol
Subject in school:: History
Teacher:: Mrs Wicker
Province:: WTF
State (if you're American):: Louisiana
Football team:: LSU Tigers
Hockey team:: Dont Watch it
Athlete:: Jeff Gordon
Sport to play:: Croquet lol
Sport to watch:: Nascar
Fruit:: Orange
Vegetable:: Brocolli
Snack:: Cheese Nips
Meal:: Red Beans and Rice
Restaurant:: Chilles
Grocery store:: Walmart
~*Have You Ever*~
Gone on a blind date?:: No
Flown in an airplane?:: Yes
Thrown up on an airplane?:: No but I did thrown down once... Hahahaha
Peed in the shower?:: Every time i get in unless someones in there with me but im still tempted
Peed your pants after you hit double digits?:: Nuguty Fuck, What?
Enjoyed Shakespeare?:: I'd rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick
Been to the opera?:: Never
Been to the theatre?:: a movie theatre
Streaked?:: Some took my clothes out of the shower room and I had to run back to my room, Im sure I embarrassed a few guys
Seen a streaker?:: Yes
Been mooned?:: a few times
Mooned someone?:: I have been know to
Flipped someone off?:: I a joking way only
Been in a fist fight?:: Yeah, my record is 1-4 for some reason I always end up with the guy that knows how to fight
Been drunk?:: more times than I can count
Had alcohol poisoning?:: I had a hang over once that I wished was alcohol poisoning instead... it was a ruff one
Been walked in on while you're naked?:: Oh Yeah!... then we got it on, ok im lying they laughed and ran out
Slept in a snowbank?:: No
Made a snow angel?:: No
Lost any teeth?:: Baby theeth
Been in the hospital?:: When I was like 5
Been in a major accident?:: yeah, me being concieved.
Burnt yourself?:: Nope
Passed out?:: Yes at a hospital
Watched a soap opera you didn't understand?:: No
Prank called 911?:: No
Made fun of emos?:: I dont know what that is but Im sure I have casue I make fun of everything
Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like?:: WTF is an emo
Cheated on a test?:: every chance I got
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: Never
Lied to get out of trouble?:: Naaa I always accept my punishment
Started a fire?:: Yes
Roasted a marshmallow?:: Yes
Set a marshmallow on fire?:: Yes
--How many times?:: Good Lord whats up with the fire questions
Wanted to drop out of school?:: No
--Did you?:: No
Are you single or dating?:: Taken by a beautiful woman
If you like anyone?:: I like to keep my options open
--If so, who?:: dont know
--Why?:: prob cause they are hot
--Do you have a chance with them?:: no doubt
If taken...who?:: I fly solo
--How long?:: for about 2 yrs now
--Are you happy?:: Always
Last 4 digits of your phone number:: 8750
Your house number:: (318) GET-ITON
Why are you taking this survey?:: To take up space on my page
What school do you go to?:: I dont
--Do you like it?:: If I did Im sure I would
Your school colours?:: They were blue and gery I think
Your school teams' name?:: Damn I dont go
Ever been on a sports team?:: Yes
--If yes, what was the name of it?:: The Pelicans
--Did you enjoy it?:: I just Like ghoofing off during pratice
What do you want to be when you grow up?:: Im still asking myself that question
--Why?:: Im still a kid
Any plans for the near future?:: Get out the army
What are your views on capital punishment?:: Its Needed
--Nuclear weapons?:: Should be destroyed
--Euthanasia?:: I dont know what that it
--The Canadian government?:: I aint got nothing against them
--The American government?:: Needs some improvement
--The European Union?:: They are ok
--The UN?:: Waste of money
--Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is?:: I know he is from South Korea
What was your favourite grade of elementary school?:: 5th
--Why?:: cause I was that much closer to getting out
What are you wearing right now?:: Eating pizza rolls
--Any particular reason why?:: im hungry
What was the last thing you ate?:: Pizza rolls you ass
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?:: Maybe brown, Im a good bull shitter
How are you feeling today?:: Sleepy
How many keys are on your keychain?:: 3
--What are they for?:: Truck, cousins house, grandparents house
What does the room you're in look like?:: clean
--Do you like the room?:: It be better if I Had a stack of money in here
Do you own an iPod?:: Yes
--If yes, what kind?:: Nano
Do you wear glasses or contacts?:: nope
What's your view on laser eye surgery?:: scary
--Would you ever consider it?:: yes
Weirdest thing about your parents:: Cant say someone might go back and tell them
What did you do this weekend?:: Work
--Was it enjoyable?:: I always enjoy myself
What's your greatest fear?:: Losing someone close
Your greatest strength?:: I can make a joke about anything
What country do you fear the most:: Maybe China they got more people in thier army than we have in our country
Have you ever been in a third-world country?:: Does Iraq count?
--Would you ever want to live in one?:: No
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?:: Inside of you
Will poverty ever end?:: No
--Why or why not?:: to many lazy people out there
Will we destroy our own planet?:: Shit I hope not
--How?: most people must say yes to the question above
Man--inherently good, or inherently evil?:: Inherenty Good they just get corrupted easily
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Mostly country but I listen to a little of everything


Rescue Me, Family Guy and NASCAR


Anything Educational