Name is Nicolas "the Drummer Boy" Curiel. Nicolas Curiel is a regular everyday normal guy that goes to East Los Angeles Community College. Was Born on June 25th 1987 at St. Francis Medical Hospital In Lynwood California @ 2:54am. Special delivery by Maria S. Curiel(MOM). Raised most of his life in SOUTH CENTRAL Los Angeles and WATT$. He's grate full to God and his Parents for giving him LIFE and sharing theirs with him.. He's a very Easy going guy, loves his Family, friends, MUSIC, Art, School, Skateboarding, Soccer, and most importantly,, LIFE. Plays Drums, Percussion, little bit of Guitar, and a little bit of Piano(keyboards). Inspired by his Older Brother "Humberto Curiel," Began to play the drums at the age of 5. But, Before that, he was playing the Pots and pans. "Those were too much fun" he says. Continued on playing the snare drum that was a gift from his Brother. Without Any lessons, Self tought, continued playing his snare when eventually his parents bought him his first and only Drum kit at the age of 14. Giving the skill that he gained from his own practice, got recognized at his High School (Huntington Park High) by A former garage band called Midnight Riot. "Midnight Riot was so much Fun! I learned a lot from the experience, I'm still friends with all the guys from that band" they're all awesome guys. Nico Played In his High School Jazz band for his Senior Year. "In my High School We had three Different Tracks.. A, B, and C track.I was in B Track. B track didn't have a Jazz band. Only A track. I was Rejected by the A track jazz band in my freshmen year for who knows what reason. So, I got my first REAL Jazz Break when Joe "MR" Kennedy Started Teaching at HP High after coming from South Gate Jr. High. along with MR. Lemus. My cool Friend Sarah Huerta, Introduced me to Mr.Kennedy because he needed a drummer for his Chorus class. Im like "why would a chorus class need a drummer for?" Apparently, the chorus class was gonna perform a Christmas song titled "The Little Drummer Boy" at our Christmas Assembly. That's when my friends Started Calling me "Little Drummer Boy". As a child, He grew up listening to Mariachi, corridos, Hip Hop, cumbias and Quebraditas. Began to Explore different music Wile He was In Jr, High School. His first ROCK experiance was Rage Against The Machine Blink-182 and No Doubt. a little bit of Limp Bizkit and Korn. a little Metal with Slipknot and Cannibal Corpse. then a little punk Rock with The casualties.
Once that phase was over came The Aquabats, the first ska band he ever listen to.To be continued.....