Karate. Pizza making. Friends (adores his friends).
Chris likes many things.
Name: Chris
Nicknames: Nacho
Birthday: 9/15/91
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5' 10
Zodiac Sign: Um... I forget...
Status: Single/Confused
Graduation Year: 2009
Movie: Longest Yard
TV Show:
Book: None
Color: Red/Fire/Black
Food: Food
Drink(Non-Alcoholic): Arizona Ice Tea
Drink(Alcoholic): Hypnotic/Absolut Vodka
Scent: IDK...
Actor: No idea
Actress: Again... No Idea
Sport: Football/Soccer
Cartoon Character: None
Store: CVS?
City: Webster
Vacation Spot: Greece...
Band: Alot
Song: Right now... Pain by Three Days Grace
Football Team: Patriots!
Basketball Team: Celtics
Baseball Team: Red Sox
NCAA Team: No Idea
Animal: Eagle
Magazine: Playboy :]
Candy: Sour Patch Kids
Restaurant: Applebees
Jewelry: Plain Gold
Day of the Week: Saturday
Ice Cream Flavor: Forbidden Chocolate
Number: 7
Your Best Friend: Lindsey/Briana
Your Shoulder to Cry on: Lindsey
Do You Have More Girl or Guy Friends: Girls... :]
Who do You Consider a Sister: Ashley Bates
Who do You Consider a Brother: My Brother
Who Knows All Your Secrets: Briana
Do You Have An Enemy: A few.
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Ish...
Do You Like Someone: Yes.
Been in a Car Wreck: A few times
Been Arrested: Nope... They'll never catch me ;]
Broken the Law: Yup.
Been Skinny Dipping: Once
Been in Love: Yes I have, Still am I hope they don't something they will regret
Smoked: Nope, and proud bitch!
Drank: Yes
Been High: No
Smoked Pot: Nope
Been Kicked Out of School: Not me
Skipped School: Yes
Failed a Class: Kinda
Broken a Bone: Yes, several
Shoplifted: Yes
Tried to Intentionally Hurt Someone: Yes
Fell Asleep in Class: Did today
Been in a Fight: Yes
Been Out of the US: Yes
Had Surgery: 2 minor ones, 1 serious
Spent the Night in the Hospital: Yes
Snuck Out of Your House: Yes
Lied to Your Parents: Yes
Showered at Someone of the Opposite Sex's House: Um... actully thats 1 thing I haven't done.
Saw Someone Die: Yes/No
Had a Near-Death Experience: Not Really
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: Its Confusing
Had a Broken Heart: Yes
Broke Someones Heart: I guess...
Cried Over The Opposite Sex: Yes...
Played a Game Requiring the Removal of Clothing: Yup
Laughed Until You Cried: Yes I have
Slept Under The Stars: A couple of times
Mooned or Flashed Someone: Yes
Killed an Animal: An insect or two
Prank Called Someone: Yup
Slept in the Same Bed as the Opposite Sex: Yes
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Um... Debra? Kinda... we didn't last
Kiss: Some girl from Worcester forgot name
Car: Don't got license yet but I got a white Cadillac
Trip Out of Your State: New Hampshire
Job: Pizza Parlor
School: Gates Lane
Slowdance: Maria
Trip to a Beach: Cape Cod
Celeb Crush: None
Best Friend: Brandon
Pet: A fish my Bro killed by feeding it a donut
True Love: Briana
Time You Were Out of Your State: New Hampshire few months ago
Slowdance: Briana, Winterball
Movie You Saw at the Theater..(With Who): Spiderman 3 with some Pals
Person You Talked to on the Phone: Um... I don't remember
Song You Heard: All Because of you, Ne-Yo
Broken Heart: Briana
Thing You Ate: Nachos
Thing You Drank: Fruit Punch
Person You Hugged: Briana
Shower: This morning?
Show You Watched on TV: Pokemon with Bro.
Trip to a Mall: Christmas/Valentines-ish
He listens to every kind of music imaginable besides some.
Anything really... even the sissy Chick Flick From time to time.
Don't watch it too much. On occassion a comedy show.
???... Does not compute...!
My father who has worked 110 hours a week just to make sure his kids can live better than he did. My ex-GF who is an inspiration because she is always willing to get push through. My Grandfather... I miss him... :[.