My name is Denny Semones,i play soccer for tunstall #3 and thats pretty much it and im going out with the most wonderful girl Sarena Hines<3. i dont even know where to start with you! your pretty mich like the best thing thats ever happened to me! i dont wanna think of life without you! it kinda seems like weve tried to do that and it didnt work so i believe were meant to be! =)! and i swear your like the sweetest girl in the world! i have like almost or over 50 messages from you so you cant tell me that im sweeter then you because id be lieing you and already lied because you try to tell me that i am! you just have no idea how great you are sweetpea! :) i love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! :)! (7-5-08 FoReVeR and eVeR!) we go together better then cheese whiz and crackers! or phil and lil! or catdog, and yeah idk...but i love you more then anything in the world baby! wanna know more just ask.