Boyz Beware... Girlz Are Gamerz Too!!! Wanna Lose?
Who Can Pass Up Some Sweet Ass Bone & Pwn? Cum... We Play *MUAH*
I'll make you laugh ~ I'll make you cry ~ I'll make you in-fucking-sane ~~ you love me, you hate memake up your mind already ~~ one eye is more green and the other is more brown ~~ I'm from AR, but have lived in 7 additional states and also done some study abroad ~~ I'm hyper and get bored easily, so while getting my attention is one thing, actually KEEPING it is something rare ~~ I'm more limber than most people you know I'm sure ~ they say I'm double jointed everywhere, but all that means is years and years of dance and skating has fucked up my tendons and ligaments, so now I'm able to fit myself into a small box ~ sounds fun, huh? haha, indeed =P yay for me ;)
I'm an emotional rollar coaster, but I try to be as good a person as I possibly can be without sacrificing who I am somewhere along the way ~~ things in life that make me happy include: love ~ octahedrons ~ intelligence ~ running ~ Grafenberg spot ~ music ~ dancing ~ suprises ~ offset humor ~ dander ~ afterglow ~ open-mindedness ~ travel ~ rarities ~ creativity ~ laughter ~ intransigence ~ literature ~ the outdoors ~ iced animal crackers ~ bunnies ~ oh, and that animated Gorillaz video *Clint Eastwood* still cracks me up =^_^=
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I'm pretty tolerant, but I have a strong distaste for liars of most kinds ~ you wanna tell me I look ok on a bad day that's one thing ~ you wanna fuck someone I'm involved with or steal my fucking car, well that's another ~ I have to restrain myself from slapping idiots like that who have no respect for themselves or others ~~ I hate it when people stick their finger in my belly button ~ it makes me queezy ~ I hate it ~~ I have a particuliar dislike for having plans and then having people change shit all around on me at the last minute ~ it's a pet peeve ~ I'm working on it ~ creatures of habbit are difficult to alter, but it doesn't make growth impossible ~~ CS beta ~ bleh ~ their shooters sucks and none of their upgrades as of yet have made it anywhere near playable (that's why game programs should not be released a year before they're ready, and the development team should have been well aware of that) ~ MICROSOFT SUCKS!!! and I mean that with every fiber of my being - I think it's hilarious when pissed off programmers decide to be creative and give those bastards a run for their money (and thanks to yet another release of a program before it should have been, there are endless security cracks, backdoors, and hidden channels so graciously provifed by the program itself - haha - so, thanks Bill, doing a swell job there, really *rolls eyes*