ane vegane profile picture

ane vegane


About Me

i want to live my own life. i want to live one day at a time, knowing that you CAN be a kid forever. i want to sleep on roof tops and eat dumpster dived food, hitch hike the world and meet new fun people to hang out with.

i like to dance alot, and i like to party, lately you couldn't have seen me without a huge smile on my face and laughter all around. i'm usually in a very good mood.

My Interests


new faces and places you've never heard of
hitch hiking
dance moves!!!
i'm crazy about all kinds of zines

just being able too feel.

dumpster diving
mix tapes
the earth
the people
the animals

stage dives
high fives
bike rides
open skies

I'd like to meet:

fighters, lovers and dreamers. people to hitch with, people to laugh with, people to fight with, people to make food with. someone to share good and bad things with.

the sweet fragrance of sweat
that perfume couldn't cover up
speaks to me in a lanuguage of its own



the sweet fragrance of sweat
that perfume couldn't cover up
speaks to me in a lanuguage of its own



and arrested development.


inspiring ones. evasion and other crimethinc related stuff, jens bjørneboe, derick jensen, a helluva lot of zines and comics.


those who fight for earth, animal and humyn LIBERATION, a better world and against the norms of society. ALF, ELF and all the good things

My Blog


joda neida, du veit nu, det e nu sånn her. "Til Bodø-fanzina Sjølstyrt Liv sitt fjerde nummer har Ane Vegane fått med seg Vilje og begge har skrevet om sine lidenskaper; fanziner og mat. Det er deilig...
Posted by ane vegane on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 04:14:00 PST


nå har jeg bare en ting å si: SJØLSTYRT LIV #3 E FETTE UTE! i dette nummeret av sjølstyrt liv handler det i hovedsak om to ting; rullebrett og gjenbruk. det inneholder masse intervjuer med bodø har...
Posted by ane vegane on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 03:10:00 PST

ane vegane goes official

so today i got a letter from oslo ligningskontor (some official stateshit) and the adress or more the name in the envelope made me smile so wide. i was so fucken stoked. words can't describe so i will...
Posted by ane vegane on Thu, 31 May 2007 03:23:00 PST


It's just another thing keep your eye fixed on the road Do what your mama said I will not be told Keep your mouth shut, keep your legs shut Go back in your place Blameless, shameless, damsel in disgra...
Posted by ane vegane on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 08:00:00 PST

sjølstyrt liv 2 fanzina e ute!

bodø fanzina sjølstyrt liv #2 kom ut 15. november 2006 under bodø hardcore festival. nesten dobbelt så tykk og iallefall dobbelt så bra som sin forgjenger er de 56 sidene pakket med haikehistorier fra...
Posted by ane vegane on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:08:00 PST

about scene-kids

why do all the scene kids nowadays all look the same? isnt the scene like a reaction against the society where all is being judged for not being like everybody else? do we want that in the scene? im j...
Posted by ane vegane on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 03:25:00 PST


did you know that you can use the word "whatever" to answer all questions? it fits to every situation.
Posted by ane vegane on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 06:22:00 PST

ane's state these days

hello my fellow people. i am so happy i could die. but i won't die,so you won't get rid of me yet. haha. how are ya? i hope you are well school's started. that sucks. i am hungry that sucks too....
Posted by ane vegane on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 12:50:00 PST

my blog

well i actually have a blog. somewhere else. but its in english. but nowadays its mainly pics. cause i've gotten my self a new camera. yaay. my blog is here:
Posted by ane vegane on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

last days of winter... so this is the last day of our winterholdiay.. which have been a week.. and its so sad.. i want moore holiday.. it has been perfectly fantastic.. heres what ive done! haha ¨the firs...
Posted by ane vegane on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST