Doin stuff
Dave Chapelle, Charlie Murphy,Larry David, and Brett Favre.
Short list: BIG, JAY-Z, ROOTS, MOS, TALIB, DOOM, DE LA, TRIBE, HIERO, E40, Nas, Camp Lo & Co. Flow, not to mention cee-lo, Luda,Clipse, Mobb, Mike Jones, Wu, Outcast, Slick Rick, Snoop, Pharoah Monch, Little Brother, Dig Plans, Masta Ace, Binary Star, the Nuthouse, Q-bert, Atmosphere, Ace Rock, Rugged Man, Danger Mouse, Biggie, again cause he's worth mentioning twice, Funkadelic/Parliment, Shuggie Ottis, Ann Peebles Beck Talking Heads, Hot Peppers, Black Crows, Chris Dallman. Some Marley, Tosh, lil Marley (JR. G), Sizzla, Cymande. Big ups to the P.A.T. & D.P.C. and melani. Local love to Nickatina and Lunar Heights. Like i said, short list.
Revenge of the Nerds, Usual Suspects, Super Troopers, Naked Gun, Airplane, Rocky 1-4, especially 4..Drago, what a bad ass, True Romance, Bamboozled, Bottle Rocket, Pulp Fiction, Resovior Dogs. Comming to America, Enter the Dragon, Shaolin Arts of Snake and Crane, Team America. Pretty Random list, I'll update later...It's a little later. just saw The Departed. Esteban dice "fantastico"
The Wire, Sopranos, Deadwood, OZ, Curb Your Enthusiasm. All the HBO shit. It's the bomb baby bomb baby. Sports Center reigns supreme. Space Ghost, coast to coast. Damn I miss Tad Ghostal. Ali-G, Booyakasha. Lost, and I can get a little nerdy with it too.