when i was young and vulnerable, by older brother convinced me that my parents were about to leave me at the zoo because a giraffe had adopted me.
(it was a poignant moment in my life)
Generally it's hard to be quirky and original
Anthony Bordain The Boogie Man Chester Cheetah Bea Arthur
Yeah, it's cool.
i could watch Harold and Maude everyday for the rest of my life.
Cult Films rock my socks.
Anything by David Sedaris (Me Talk Pretty One Day, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, Naked, Holidays on Ice),
Tom Robbins floats my boat, especially when we take our clothes off. The Charles Henry Bukowski collection, Sylvia Plath, blah blah blah.... oh, i really dig Where's Waldo and fucking mad gabs. my life is a mad gab where 28 stoic penises are colliding with the planet foot fungus.
Generally, i read a lot.
peter pan and wendy