JESSiCA profile picture


all i want for christmas is... YOU. hehe

About Me

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Jessica Jane Francisco Atangan, LVN!!!! (YEAY!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i'm a 20y/o filipina born and raised in the infamous Carson, CA. family-oriented. blessed with amazing friends. i graduated from Concorde Career College in June 2006; majored in Nursing (LVN) & now i'm currently employed at Coast Plaza Doctors Hospital working in MedSurg/Peds. I'm a happy person (...sometimes! haha). i always like to meet new people. i like to socialize! love to sing and dance! i'm single and not ready to mingle. i think i'll be unfair to myself if i start dating again so i'd rather not be available to anyone. but i'd love the company if you wanna just hang out and talk. i'm very passive. i'm one to keep things bottled up inside.. so i'd rather listen to you then have you listen to me. starting conversations is not my thing so if your lookin forward to talking to figure out the topics. not good at planning so you make the plans. even though i'm not good at these things.. i can be a fun person depending on my mood! i'm easy to cheer up, but also easy to piss off. the smallest things get to me (good or bad). there's one person in my life right now who makes me feel like nothing else matters. to me pain is a normal feeling, so dont be afraid to hurt me. well my dear... ENJOY!

My Interests

this is my baby cousin SHAHYAN!!! soo cuuute!!

I'd like to meet:

the man God has saved especially for me.


I like to listen to music. Most of the time i dont even know the titles to `em, but i enjoy `em. I usually listen to music thats similar to my mood. Slow jams always gets me up high or even down low... Sometimes i'm hard headed and i get myself all down just listening to them moody slow jams! haha... but if you give me something i can dance to and sing to, then you'll save me life!


there's no favorite, but i think it's so hott when a guy takes a girl to watch chickflicks; too cute.


CSI, CIS, Las Vegas, Numbers, Bones, HOUSE, Gray's, and most comedies.


the only books i've read completely are: DaVinci Code, The Notebook & all the books i had to read for English class in High School & College (lol)

don't you feel great when you finish one!? i certainly do!


besides SUPERMAN((YoUuUUUUUUuu!!!)).....

BFFs - Carol, Mickey
My inseperable chica... Johanna
THE JERKS WHO WALKED IN AND OUT MY LIFE..because they'll eventually lead me to the right one. lol

& maybe one day you could be the one to save my life...

My Blog

ROME!! here's the pictures from 9-29-06

hey rome.. here's the pictures!carols VN party picsVN Party Sept 29 2006...
Posted by jes(SICA) on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:39:00 PST

DNR!!!! party pictures posted! under "VN Party Sept 29 2006"had a blast.... MORE TIMES!!!(to J. Maglonso, LVN) pictures from Carol's camera will be posted later. love you guys.. ...
Posted by jes(SICA) on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:59:00 PST

my NCLEX-PN experience

man oh man. i didnt know it would be that difficult. but i stopped at 85. it wasnt so hard, but it was confusing. i dont know what to say... stressing out.. i hate waiting for the results.. they said ...
Posted by jes(SICA) on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 08:21:00 PST

Mick's party... pictures! hehe fun times!

pictures from mick's party!ENJOY! /Mickeys%2021st
Posted by jes(SICA) on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 06:12:00 PST