this is my baby cousin SHAHYAN!!! soo cuuute!!
the man God has saved especially for me.
I like to listen to music. Most of the time i dont even know the titles to `em, but i enjoy `em. I usually listen to music thats similar to my mood. Slow jams always gets me up high or even down low... Sometimes i'm hard headed and i get myself all down just listening to them moody slow jams! haha... but if you give me something i can dance to and sing to, then you'll save me life!
there's no favorite, but i think it's so hott when a guy takes a girl to watch chickflicks; too cute.
CSI, CIS, Las Vegas, Numbers, Bones, HOUSE, Gray's, and most comedies.
the only books i've read completely are: DaVinci Code, The Notebook & all the books i had to read for English class in High School & College (lol)
don't you feel great when you finish one!? i certainly do!
besides SUPERMAN((YoUuUUUUUUuu!!!)).....
BFFs - Carol, Mickey
My inseperable chica... Johanna
THE JERKS WHO WALKED IN AND OUT MY LIFE..because they'll eventually lead me to the right one. lol
& maybe one day you could be the one to save my life...