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MAY ANOTHER DAY, WEEK, MONTH, AND A YEAR BEGIN AND A MILLION MORE FOR YOU AND MYSELF AND MANY MILLIONS AND BILLIONS IN THIS FINAL HOUR.MAY THE FIGHT BEGIN IN US ALLAND LET US HOPE THAT WE ALL ENDURE UNTIL THE ENDLET THE WAR WITHIN WAR WITH US ALLTO JESUS LET US PRAY TO YOU BELIEVE UNTIL THE ENDJT2illuminatiMATRIXhttp://illuminatimatrix.wordpress.comt he unveiling and revelation of the war on humanity07 - Circle of Deceithttp://illuminatimatrix.wordpress.com/5-origin-of-numb er-systemsJanuary 7th, 2007 the number 12 - the circle and cycle of deceit - shape sound and colour - musicThe number 12 is symbolic of the circle or cycle of deceit. Throughout religious organizations there appears, for some unknown reason, an inner circle of twelve. From the Christian religion we find there are 12 apostles. In the Old Testament there are 12 tribes of Israel. Taking a casual look at the manipulation of a beam of light shows immediately that the number 12 is derived from the 12 months of the year. These 12 months break down into 2 - 12 hour sections that form one complete day. There is a notion in the Christian religion that there will be 144,000 redeemed souls. This is 10 x 10 x 10 x 12 x 12 = 144,000. This is the complete intertwining of the total resources of the manipulation mechanism of a beam of light. Put another way, twelve 12 hour clocks gives you 144 hours. Each hour symbolizes 1 elect. The word elect is referring to the manipulation of light energy, which is electricity. The total manipulation of 12 clock faces with 12 hours on each one, is just a symbolic way of describing TOTALITY. When the 10 times table is in-TEN-sified 3 times and again multiplied by 12 - 2 times, you have another number symbolizing completion - or 360 - a full circle. Many education systems around the world indoctrinate children for 12 grades, or 12 years, as mandatory instruction. This is considered to be a very basic necessity to function in life. Again, the notion of completion. When a child reaches the age of 12, they have reached that point in life when the creative, intuitive process has pretty much been destroyed through peer pressure, etc. (It is at this time that the Gideon Bible Society gives every child a free bible - see page 17 for more details). The years that follow will be directed at breaking the spirit of that child completely so that they conform to the demands and the norms of society. This again is seen in the beam of light manipulation. A child - represented by the triangle - has three angles totalling 180 degrees. The circle - representing the father who is an adult- has 360 degrees. The square around the circle - represents the mother who likewise is considered an adult - and also has 360 degrees. 360 degrees is double the size of the degrees of a child - the triangle - which only has 180 degrees. When you break one of the lines of the triangle outwardly, even 1 degree, that child becomes 360 degrees, or an adult. That child has been broken. The spirit that let it be free and inquisitive and intuitive freefalls in a downward spiral into the reptilian brain thought process. This process is carefully forced upon humanity for the next 6 years (minimum), until the child graduates from the 12th grade. Another clone is ready to be used further by the system.Another interesting thing about the number 12 is that it is a measure of distance. We call 12 inches one foot. Why 12? Obviously this is another spin-off from the zodiac 360 degree circle with its 12 months. What do we call this 12 inch device? Yes, it’s RULER. A RULE-r! How about that. Numbers are equated with ruling. Ruling what? How about the whole world. Quite frankly, if there were no numbers, there would be no time and space and in turn nothing 3 dimensional would appear to exist. Crazy thought, but true.Sound is also a huge part in the manipulation of light energy. The sounds we hear are directly connected to our energy field in the same way as colour and shape. The manipulation using sound has been derived from the same counterfeit source - the zodiac circle / the colour wheel - which occurrs when we break apart a beam of light. Breaking apart a beam of light is the DIVIDING PROCESS of the LUCIFERIAN thought form. When you hear a sound you are experiencing energy. You can physically feel the sound waves as they flow over you. If the sound waves are loud enough you can be physically moved. If the sound you hear is constructed in a musical form, one of repitition, you will be emotionally moved. Something this powerful and yet unable to be seen with the naked eye must be examined.In music the scale is primarily measured in whole notes and half notes. A music scale goes like this - A, A sharp, B, C, C sharp, D, D sharp, E, F, F sharp, G, G sharp. Then the scale starts all over again at A - except this time an octave highter (the octave is 8 whole notes - the number of total control). The whole music scale is made up of 12 - half notes. There are many music scales, but of interest here, we see in the language yet again, a reference to the reptilian nature of this particular manipulation tool - the word scale. This is a referrence to the reptillian serpentine physical body and the build up of scales for self protection. You can see from the manipulation of the light beam, 12 months is the time alotted for the earth to go around the sun. This was manipulated to be 360 degrees. This represented 360 days or 12 - 30 day months. These 12 months connect directly to humanity for we are light energy and these numbers are being devised right within us. We have observed this manipulation of light energy from the perspective of the colour wheel and the three primary colours. We have looked at the manipulation from the perspective of shape - the triangle, the cirle and the square - which are the 3 basic shapes - the angle, curve and line. Considering sound reveals exactly the same characteristics and the connectivity to the human form, both physically and spiritually. The physical and the spiritual are really one, they just refer to the 2 extremities of the whole being. The physical and spiritual elements reside in our soul, which is our light body, hence the word soul, or sol (sun). Our whole experience and conscious awareness (which is truth, wisdom and light energy) takes place in our soul. The soul includes the body you physically see and it also includes the body we don’t normally see.This is the spiritual body that resides within our physical but also extends into the that realm immediately outside the physical, called the aura.Having this sensitive spiritual body extending outside of and which connects to our physical body makes for an excellent conductive channel when considering the power of sound. When music is written, it is laid out in terms of harmony, that is to say, notes that sound nice together. Music is also laid out in dissonant sounds. These are notes that are played simultaneously to create a harsh sound. This format is repeated over and over again, throughout the musical score. Music is a battleground of emotional division. Sounds working together, then against, then together, then against…for as long as you wish to listen. The hypnotic effect is monstrous. Once conditioned to a certain sound in a certain song and certain style of music, one only needs to hear a note or two, a bar or two, and its like a hypnotist snaps a finger and we immediately begin to react in the way that the song was designed to condition us to react.Sound is energy. Colour is energy. Shape is energy. Being that all 3 are energy, then it stands to reason that anyone of these three parts of energy are interchangeable. If you experience any one of these, you are experiencing them all at the very same time. You are also being manipulated by all 3 at the very same time. When sound dominates, (and the colour or shape isn’t quite so obvious), the colour and shape are still there doing their task to promote the manipulation. For instance, if you take a piece of firewood, which is evidenced by its shape and colour and throw it on a fire, eventually you will hear the fire roar. The sound which was in the wood is activated by the energy of the fire and the soundtrack within the wood is played for us. Everything is like this. The addition of sound into the energy field resulted in the creation of our 3 dimensional reality. Creation is a result of the motion of the electrical energy which includes the positive (male) and negative (female) charges. The attraction (the magnetic field within energy) to each other (the male to the female) resulted in sparks (a huge cosmic sexual union). This whole thing structured together (the colour, shape and sound) became the thought or desire of paradise past and the BIG BANG (a big cosmic orgasm) occurred. In other words the sound of the BIG BANG was the result of the wisdom and truth (which in turn is love) that existed in the original paradise state. When this attraction (courtship) occurred, the union of the male and female electrical charge simultaneously combusted and creation began to take place. Over and over again, colour, shape and sound were applied to one thought after another. Eventually the thoughts created everything we experience in this 3 dimensional reality. Our whole universe came into existence in just this way. The cosmic lovefest shouted out in orgasmic delight and sound was attached to colour and shape. Sound is the slowest form of energy and when attached to a certain thought regarding colour and shape, it slowed it down into existence. The energy was always there, but now it was visible in a physical sense. This is like spokes on a wheel spinning very fast, you only see a blur. Once the wheel slows down to the rate of the picture taking apparatus, the spokes become visible. Everything physical has sound attached to it so that we can see or experience it. Put another way, “…in the beginning was the word…” The word was the sound, the cosmic BIG BANG that was attached to light energy to manifest everything we see.Keeping this in mind, suppose you were a conscious entity (with a sinister mindset) and you saw how this creation and manipulation of matter took place. Suppose you also thought to yourself (with a touch of pride), “I see how this works…I could manipulate this sexual union thing in a certain fashion and make everybody do as I wish…”. The light went on, so to speak, and the rest, (pun intended) is HISTORY - his-story. The dark demonic occultic mind was immediately cast from the presence of love and wisdom. This entity (and other conscious entities - commonly referred to as demons or the sons of the gods - who agreed in principle with this dark energy), fell into this 3 dimensional realm and set about to create the systems that would manipulate man for thousands of years. These systems were all derived from manipulating the light beam in such a fashion that they were all directly linked to the very nature of how energy (humanity) is constructed. The numbers, symbols, colours, sounds, etc., are used to create the word language which was used to establish the world systems. When you look at the charts and diagrams displayed on these pages, you are looking at a simple 2 dimenional demonstration of something that is being performed in 3 dimensions. The charts and diagrams are directly connected to you. You are not just standing off at a distance, unconnected from what is being portrayed. Just the opposite. What is being portrayed is your soul (which is light) and how the manipulation through the number systems is making you do the bidding of the manipulator of your soul.What this all boils down to, so far, is this. We are in a complex system that we had no choice of becoming involved in. Although we didn’t have a choice to be involved in it, we do have a choice in whether we believe it or give it any credibility. We’re in the world but we don’t have to be of the world. We don’t have to be worldly minded. That is to say, we don’t have to be reptillian brain driven, which is to be only concerned and obsessed with the needs of the flesh. Certainly, it is the system that the world revolves around, and we are stuck in this system, but we don’t have to react to the problems that the system creates and give the rulers of this world system (the illuminati reptillian elite) our spiritual energy and physical wealth. We can, by not reacting to their manipulations which seduce us, cut off their energy and power which THEY NEED to remain in control. The demonic reptillian elite have no strength or power source other than humanity. They fell from the 4th dimension and forfeited love. That love is wisdom and truth and light and is energy. The reptillian elite don’t have love. They gave it up. Therefore they don’t have any energy. NONE! They have nothing but what we give them. And apparently we give them alot. We give our energy through the fear - trauma based world systems (such as religion, education, science, business, banking, media, military, etc.) that they have created and manipulated using the numbers which are derived directly from how we - light energy - are formed. We are ruled by a tyrant who relishes war, hate, disease, death, pride, etc. This is the only power source of the diabolical reptillian elite.What we have to know and be aware of is this. The world system has been allowed to be ruled by this elite royal hybrid bloodline. However, wisdom has built within this system a very unique circuit breaker, so to speak. This human clay, that we are, does not cleave or stick to the hard iron hand of the dark occultic mind. We don’t function well under this system, just like iron and clay don’t mix. Therefore, very soon, the illuminati system will fail horribly and miserably. As it continues to fail (even as it is already) you will see more and more pathetic attempts to strip humanity of more priviledges and freedoms (which should be considered natural basic rights within a society), but the illuminati elite need massive amounts of energy to try to keep the sinking ship from sinking. They are trying frantically to plug the holes, but to no avail. This is causing massive hardship and death for many in the world, (for some - more so than for others), but this is only because they are falling apart, not because they are succeeding. We can hasten the collapse of these systems which are attempting to destroy us by not reacting to the problems they’re creating. Don’t give them any emotional energy. Don’t be angry, don’t be afraid, don’t look for revenge, don’t resist, don’t resent, don’t be confused, don’t be ignorant, …just be still. When you see them manipulate another World Trade Centre style attack, or manipulate wars in the Middle East and Africa and North Korea and China, and elsewhere in the world,… don’t react. When you see them committing genocide throughout the world,…such as was witnessed in World War 2 as Hitler slaughtered the Jews…don’t react. Or when you see the very same Nazi murderers (approx. 1200) who were brought into Canada after the war to commit the same genocide (50,000 minimum to 250,000 and more murdered or missing) on the native children through the residential school system…don’t react. Without our energy they have absolutely nothing. They don’t have love. Begin to silence your world. Turn off as many sounds, colours and shapes as you need, to quiet the manipulation within. You will see the power and strength that you have been manipulated into giving to the reptillian elite will now remain within you and you will re-establish your position in the paradise state once again.More will be said of this genocide and other horrors of the reptillian elite as we look at the number 13. The number 13 will further look at the ways the system manifests itself throughout the world. Go to the top of the page and click on - 6 Origin of Number Systems - in the navigation bar and we will examine the worship of the woman and how it manifests itself in society.
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Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 23:53:00 GMT