i like tejano music and calijano music. i want jamie to bang me with some double d batteries.i got no clue what life is about. i smoke crack when i can.
ne 1 who smokes more than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like to play the glass flute. i also am very knowledgable in playing a power antenae off of an old buick.i also tinker with tire pressure gagues.although im not musically inclined the smell of these instruments is music to my ears. they smell alot like old burnt plastic. im one of they few smokers who keep real and use STEEL WOOL.
DEX THE SUPERCRACKHEAD. i star in volumes 1, 2, and 3. they are on sale on ebay or you can email me for a copy. they are on vhs format, i dont know to much about dvd's. you can goto bumpstop.com, im in the classic section.
i sold my tv. yep thats right got me a 20 piece
crack for dummies
richard prior, he smoke the front part of his face off. he still smoked after that, kinda reminds me about the time when i got electracuted while pissin on a high voltage fence at work, i came back the next day and did it again.