Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Iron Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
What can I tell you about me? I like to share. That's why I blog. That's why I often answer quizzes people post. I don't re-post them, but I often answer them.
I like to leave absurdly long voicemails on peoples phones. I don't know why. I just start talking and I can't seem to shut up. In fact, I couldn't even make through typing this without being overcome by the desire to call my good friend Joe and leave a three and a half minute voicemail on his phone.
I'm a very unique individual. There is no one else in the whole world quite like me. I'm special. However, I believe that EVERYONE is unique and special. So really, I'm just the same as everyone else. We're all equally unique and similarly different.
I like to shave my head. My friend Jen thinks it's cool. She told me that bald is a hairdo. Spongebob said so. It must be true. Shaving my head is a very time consuming, yet satisfying activity. I don't use the mirror much. I do it almost entirely by feel.
Which brings me to another aspect of my character: touch. I'm a very tactile person. I like the FEEL of things. Especially of other people. When I'm talking to people in an intimate setting I like to be within arms reach. I will often punctuate myself with gestures or the touch of an arm or shoulder. I don't know why. I just do it. Not everyone likes it though, so I try to pay attention to how people respond and stop if it looks like they're about to stab me in the face with a shovel.
I was the Best Man at my father's wedding. Twice.
I love my MySpace friends. They're totally awesome. Someday (when I win the lottery) I'll extend an invitation to all of them to come visit me. I'll pay for 1st class plane tickets and everything. We'll have a wonderful time. Just you wait and see.NOTE: If you want to be my Friend, you should send me a message before you send a Friend Request, because I don't accept random Friends without some sort of introduction.