LeT's BeGiN...
Name: TiShA
Birthdate: 07-11-1984
Current residence: SaN aNtOnIo
Current hair color: ChOcOlAtE cHeRrY
Eye color: BrOwN
Height: 5'2
Right or left handed: LeFt
Ethnicity: HiSpAnIc
Religion: CaThOlIc
Listening to or watching right now: SeAn PaUl
Currently reading: CoSmO
Favorite movie: NaPoLeOn DyNaMiTe…. HeCk YeSsS
Favorite show: HoUsE
Favorite ice cream flavor: VaNiLlA
Currently wearing: ShIrT, jEaNs, FlIp FlOpS
Last person you spoke to: ErIcA
Do YoU...
Drink: YeS
Smoke: No
Do drugs: No
FiRsT tHiNg CoMeS tO mInD...
Black: DePrEsSiNg
Soda: WiLd ChErRy PePsI
Sex: Is AwEsOmE
Thunder: ScAry
MoRe AbOuT yOu...
First thoughts upon waking: 5 MoRe MiN pLz?!?!
Best physical feature: DoN’t KnOw
Your perfect pizza: ThIn CrUsT w/ HaMbUrGeR n JaLaPeNoS oN tHe SiDe
Do you have a crush: YeS
Ever been in love: YeS
Sexual orientation: StRaIgHt
Favorite brand of clothing: Ae
Coke or Pepsi: PePsI
Blondes, brunnettes, or redheads: uMmM....
Most likely to order at Starbucks: StRaWbErRiEs N cReMe
Do you sing: N tHe CaR
Do you curse: YeS
How often do you shower: DaIlY
Your thoughts on college: I hAvE 2 dO iT
Your thoughts on marriage: I wOnT dO iT tIlL i FiNd Mr. RiGhT
For or against abortion: AgAiNsT
Do you believe in yourself: YeS
Worst feature: DoNt KnOw
Do you like rollercoasters: YeS
How is your relationship with your parents: No CoMmEnT
How concerned are you with health: SoMe WhAt
If you work, where: WAlMaRt
Ever been arrested: NoT bY tHe CoPs
Are you a kleptomaniac: NoPe
Have you shoplifted in the past month: NoPe
What do you want to accomplish in the next six months: AlL a‘S n ScHoOl
How would you like to die: N mY sLeEp
Your thoughts on sky diving: SwEeT
Number one vacation spot: ToO mAnY
If YoU...
Had to be stuck on an island with one person, who would it be: ThE pErFeCt GuY
could be high on something right now, what would it be: LoVe
Could have any question answered: WhY
Had to choose to bring one item with you to Mars: My CeLl
Had to pick one brand of toothpaste: CrEsT
Were left with one phone call before you died: XaViEr
Faced your greatest fear, what would it be: DoNt KnOw
OnCe AgAiN...
How many illegal things have you done in the past month: NoNe
Have you ever intentionally "tanned": NoPe
What is your weakness: GuYs
What is your guiltiest pleasure: PeDrO
Are you neat: DePeNdS
Do you remember your dreams: SoMeTiMeS
Are your dreams important to you: NoT rEaLlY
If you could erase anything from your memory, would you: YeS
Do you have a secret others would be surprised to hear: NaH
Do you think you are attractive: SoMeTiMeS
What memories does high school bring: CrAzY tImEs … I mIsS tHoSe DaYs
In YoUr PrEfErReD gEnDeR...
How important are physical features: VeRy
How important is intelligence: VeRy
How important is compromise: VeRy
What color eyes do you prefer: DoNt MaTtEr
What color hair: DoNt MaTtEr
What style of clothing: AnY aS lOnG aS hE lOoKs GoOd
How important is opinion: VeRy
How important is religion: VeRy
FiNaLlY -- tHe LaSt TwO...
Where do you see yourself in five years: AlMoSt FiNiShEd WiTh ScHoOl, SeTtLeD dOwN wItH tHaT sPeCiAl SoMe 1
Will you still be friends with your two closest friends now: HoPeFuLlY sO